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Meaning of ORACLE

Pronunciation:  `orukal

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a shrine where an oracular god is consulted
  2. [n]  a prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible
  3. [n]  an authoritative person who divines the future
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 Synonyms: prophet, seer, vaticinator
 See Also: augur, auspex, Delphic oracle, divination, diviner, Isaiah, Oracle of Apollo, oracle of Delphi, prophecy, prophetess, Samuel, shrine, sibyl, Temple of Apollo



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Or"a*cle\, n. [F., fr. L. oraculum, fr. orare to speak,
    utter, pray, fr. os, oris, mouth. See {Oral}.]
    1. The answer of a god, or some person reputed to be a god,
       to an inquiry respecting some affair or future event, as
       the success of an enterprise or battle.
             Whatso'er she saith, for oracles must stand.
    2. Hence: The deity who was supposed to give the answer;
       also, the place where it was given.
             The oracles are dumb; No voice or hideous hum Runs
             through the arched roof in words deceiving.
    3. The communications, revelations, or messages delivered by
       God to the prophets; also, the entire sacred Scriptures --
       usually in the plural.
             The first principles of the oracles of God. --Heb.
                                                   v. 12.
    4. (Jewish Antiq.) The sanctuary, or Most Holy place in the
       temple; also, the temple itself. --1 Kings vi. 19.
             Siloa's brook, that flow'd Fast by the oracle of
             God.                                  --Milton.
    5. One who communicates a divine command; an angel; a
             God hath now sent his living oracle Into the world
             to teach his final will.              --Milton.
    6. Any person reputed uncommonly wise; one whose decisions
       are regarded as of great authority; as, a literary oracle.
       ``Oracles of mode.'' --Tennyson.
             The country rectors . . . thought him an oracle on
             points of learning.                   --Macaulay.
    7. A wise sentence or decision of great authority.
  2. \Or"a*cle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Oracled}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Oracling}.]
    To utter oracles. [Obs.]
Easton Bible Dictionary

In the Old Testament used in every case, except 2 Sam. 16:23, to denote the most holy place in the temple (1 Kings 6:5, 19-23; 8:6). In 2 Sam. 16:23 it means the Word of God. A man inquired "at the oracle of God" by means of the Urim and Thummim in the breastplate on the high priest's ephod. In the New Testament it is used only in the plural, and always denotes the Word of God (Rom. 3:2; Heb. 5:12, etc.). The Scriptures are called "living oracles" (comp. Heb. 4:12) because of their quickening power (Acts 7:38).

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adage, advice, ana, analects, answer, aphorism, apocalypse, apothegm, augur, augury, authority, axiom, byword, Cassandra, catchword, collected sayings, current saying, Delphian oracle, Delphic oracle, Delphic tripod, dictate, dictum, distich, divination, diviner, doctor, Dodona, elder, elder statesman, epigram, expression, fortune-teller, gnome, golden saying, great soul, guru, illuminate, intellect, intellectual, lover of wisdom, mahatma, man of intellect, man of wisdom, mandarin, master, mastermind, maxim, mentor, message, moral, mot, motto, philosopher, phrase, pithy saying, precept, prediction, prescript, prognostication, prognosticator, prophecy, prophet, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, Pythian oracle, Python, rabbi, rishi, sage, sapient, savant, saw, saying, scholar, seer, sentence, sententious expression, sibyl, sloka, soothsayer, starets, stock saying, sutra, teaching, text, thinker, verse, vision, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise man, wise old man, wise saying, witticism, wizard, word, words of wisdom