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Meaning of TEACH

Pronunciation:  teech, teech

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America (died in 1718)
  2. [v]  accustom gradually to some action or attitude; "The child is taught to obey her parents"
  3. [v]  impart skills or knowledge to; "I taught them French"; "He instructed me in building a boat"
 Synonyms: Blackbeard, Edward Teach, Edward Thatch, instruct, learn, Thatch
 See Also: accustom, buccaneer, catechise, catechize, coach, condition, develop, drill, edify, educate, enlighten, ground, habituate, indoctrinate, inform, larn, lecture, mentor, pirate, prepare, reinforce, reward, sea robber, sea rover, spoonfeed, talk, train, tutor, unteach



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Teach\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Taught}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Teaching}.] [OE. techen, imp. taughte, tahte, AS. t?cean,
    imp. t?hte, to show, teach, akin to t[=a]cn token. See
    1. To impart the knowledge of; to give intelligence
       concerning; to impart, as knowledge before unknown, or
       rules for practice; to inculcate as true or important; to
       exhibit impressively; as, to teach arithmetic, dancing,
       music, or the like; to teach morals.
             If some men teach wicked things, it must be that
             others should practice them.          --South.
    2. To direct, as an instructor; to manage, as a preceptor; to
       guide the studies of; to instruct; to inform; to conduct
       through a course of studies; as, to teach a child or a
       class. ``He taught his disciples.'' --Mark ix. 31.
             The village master taught his little school.
    3. To accustom; to guide; to show; to admonish.
             I shall myself to herbs teach you.    --Chaucer.
             They have taught their tongue to speak lies. --Jer.
                                                   ix. 5.
    Note: This verb is often used with two objects, one of the
          person, the other of the thing; as, he taught me Latin
          grammar. In the passive construction, either of these
          objects may be retained in the objective case, while
          the other becomes the subject; as, I was taught Latin
          grammar by him; Latin grammar was taught me by him.
    Syn: To instruct; inform; inculcate; tell; guide; counsel;
         admonish. See the Note under {Learn}.
  2. \Teach\, v. i.
    To give instruction; to follow the business, or to perform
    the duties, of a preceptor.
          And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach. --Chaucer.
          The priests thereof teach for hire.      --Micah iii.