Meaning of PERFORM
Pronunciation: | | pur'form
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [v] to act or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"
- [v] give a performance (of something); "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"
- [v] perform a function; "Who will perform the wedding?"
- [v] get (something) done; "I did my job"
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| Synonyms: | | do, do, execute |
| See Also: | | accomplish, act, act, ad-lib, appear, audition, barnstorm, blaze away, carry, carry out, carry through, churn out, click off, concertise, concertize, conduct, cut, cut corners, debut, declaim, direct, do one's best, execute, extemporise, extemporize, fulfil, fulfill, give, give one's best, go all out, improvise, improvize, interlude, interpret, lead, make, misdo, move, officiate, pipe up, play, play out, playact, ply, practice, practise, premier, premiere, rap, recite, re-create, rehearse, render, roleplay, scamp, serenade, sightread, sight-read, star, stunt, try out, turn, underachieve, underperform, underperform | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Per*form"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Performed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Performing}.] [OE. performen, parfourmen, parfournen,
OF. parfornir, parfournir, to finish, complete; OF. & F. par
(see {Par}) + fournir to finish, complete. The word has been
influenced by form; cf. L. performare to form thoroughly. See
1. To carry through; to bring to completion; to achieve; to
accomplish; to execute; to do.
I will cry unto God most high, unto God that
performeth all things for me. --Ps. lvii. 2.
Great force to perform what they did attempt. --Sir
P. Sidney.
2. To discharge; to fulfill; to act up to; as, to perform a
duty; to perform a promise or a vow.
To perform your father's will. --Shak.
3. To represent; to act; to play; as in drama.
Perform a part thou hast not done before. --Shak.
Syn: To accomplish; do; act; transact; achieve; execute;
discharge; fulfill; effect; complete; consummate. See
\Per*form"\, v. i.
To do, execute, or accomplish something; to acquit one's self
in any business; esp., to represent sometimes by action; to
act a part; to play on a musical instrument; as, the players
perform poorly; the musician performs on the organ.
| Websites: | |
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A COBOL statement used for executing "paragraphs". |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | accompany, accomplish, achieve, act, act a part, act as, act as foil, act out, affect, ape, appear, attain, barnstorm, be effective, be in action, be productive, behave, betoken, brandish, breathe, bring about, bring forth, bring forward, bring into being, bring into view, bring off, bring out, bring to fruition, bring to notice, carry into execution, carry on, carry out, carry through, carry to completion, cause, chord, come out, compass, complete, concertize, conduct, consummate, cope with, copy, dangle, deal with, demonstrate, depict, develop, discharge, disclose, discourse, dispatch, display, dispose of, divulge, do, do duty, do the job, do the trick, do up brown, dramatize, effect, effectuate, embody, emote, emotionalize, enact, end, engineer, evidence, evince, execute, exhibit, expose to view, express, fetch, finish, flaunt, flourish, fulfill, function, get top billing, give sign, give token, go, handle, have effect, have free play, have play, highlight, illuminate, impersonate, implement, incarnate, indicate, industrialize, interpret, knock off, make, make clear, make music, make plain, manage, manifest, masquerade as, mass-produce, materialize, mean, militate, mime, mimic, mount, officiate, operate, overproduce, pantomime, parade, pass for, patter, percolate, perform as, perk, personate, play, play a part, play by ear, play the lead, playact, polish off, pose as, practice, present, pretend to be, produce, pull off, put away, put on, react, realize, register, render, represent, respond, reveal, roll out, run, serve, set forth, show, show forth, sketch, spotlight, stage, star, steal the show, stooge, succeed, symphonize, take, take care of, take effect, take off, tick, token, transact, tread the boards, trot out, troupe, turn the trick, unfold, upstage, volume-produce, wave, wind up, work, work out |