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Meaning of SUCCEED

Pronunciation:  suk'seed

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  be the successor (of); "Carter followed Ford"; "Will Charles succeed to the throne?"
  2. [v]  attain success or reach a goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"
 Synonyms: come after, come through, follow, win
 Antonyms: come before, fail, go wrong, miscarry, precede
 See Also: accede to, accomplish, achieve, act, arrive, assay, attain, attempt, bring off, carry off, clear, enter upon, essay, get in, go far, hit, luck out, make it, manage, nail, nail down, negociate, pan out, pass, peg, pull off, reach, replace, run, seek, supersede, supervene upon, supplant, try, work



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Suc*ceed"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Succeeded}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Succeeding}.] [L. succedere, successum; sub under +
    cedere to go, to go along, approach, follow, succeed: cf. F.
    succ['e]der. See {Cede}, and cf. {Success}.]
    1. To follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the
       place of; as, the king's eldest son succeeds his father on
       the throne; autumn succeeds summer.
             As he saw him nigh succeed.           --Spenser.
    2. To fall heir to; to inherit. [Obs. & R.] --Shak.
    3. To come after; to be subsequent or consequent to; to
       follow; to pursue.
             Destructive effects . . . succeeded the curse. --Sir
                                                   T. Browne.
    4. To support; to prosper; to promote. [R.]
             Succeed my wish and second my design. --Dryden.
  2. \Suc*ceed"\, v. i.
    1. To come in the place of another person, thing, or event;
       to come next in the usual, natural, or prescribed course
       of things; to follow; hence, to come next in the
       possession of anything; -- often with to.
             If the father left only daughters, they equally
             succeeded to him in copartnership.    --Sir M. Hale.
             Enjoy till I return Short pleasures; for long woes
             are to succeed!                       --Milton.
    2. Specifically: To ascend the throne after the removal the
       death of the occupant.
             No woman shall succeed in Salique land. --Shak.
    3. To descend, as an estate or an heirloom, in the same
       family; to devolve. --Shak.
    4. To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is
       attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or
       termination; to be successful; as, he succeeded in his
       plans; his plans succeeded.
             It is almost impossible for poets to succeed without
             ambition.                             --Dryden.
             Spenser endeavored it in Shepherd's Kalendar; but
             neither will it succeed in English.   --Dryden.
    5. To go under cover. [A latinism. Obs.]
             Will you to the cooler cave succeed!  --Dryden.
    Syn: To follow; pursue. See {Follow}.