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Pronunciation:  'kânsu`kwent

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  following as an effect or result; "the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness"; "the ensuant response to his appeal"; "the resultant savings were considerable"; "the health of the plants and the resulting flowers"
 Synonyms: ensuant, resultant, resulting(a), sequent, subsequent



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Con"se*quent\, a. [L. consequens, -entis, p. pr. of
    consequi to follow; con- + sequi to follow: cf. F.
    cons['e]quent. See {Second}, and cf. {Consecution}.]
    1. Following as a result, inference, or natural effect.
             The right was consequent to, and built on, an act
             perfectly personal.                   --Locke.
    2. (Logic) Following by necessary inference or rational
       deduction; as, a proposition consequent to other
    {Consequent points}, {Consequent poles} (Magnetism), a number
       of poles distributed under certain conditions, along the
       axis of a magnetized steel bar, which regularly has but
       the two poles at the extremities.
  2. \Con"se*quent\, n.
    1. That which follows, or results from, a cause; a result or
       natural effect.
             They were ill-governed, which is always a consequent
             of ill payment.                       --Sir J.
    2. (Logic) That which follows from propositions by rational
       deduction; that which is deduced from reasoning or
       argumentation; a conclusion, or inference.
    3. (Math.) The second term of a ratio, as the term b in the
       ratio a:b, the first a, being the antecedent.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: appendant, consequential, derivational, derivative, ensuing, final, following, intelligent, logical, next, posterior, postpositional, postpositive, proximate, reasonable, resultant, resulting, sensible, sequacious, sequent, sequential, sound, subsequent, succeeding, successive, suffixed