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Meaning of GO WRONG

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  be unsuccessful; "Where do today's public schools fail?"; "The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably"
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 Synonyms: fail, miscarry
 Antonyms: come through, succeed, win
 See Also: ball up, blow, bobble, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, botch, botch up, bumble, bungle, fall, fall flat, fall through, flop, flub, fluff, foul up, founder, fuck up, fumble, louse up, mess up, mishandle, miss, muck up, muff, overreach, screw up, shipwreck, spoil, strike out, take it on the chin



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abort, backslide, be disappointing, be in error, be mistaken, be wrong, break down, come short, conk out, degenerate, deviate, err, fall, fall into error, fall short, fizzle, fizzle out, give out, go amiss, go astray, go awry, go haywire, go kaput, go to glory, go to hell, go to perdition, go to pot, go to ruin, go to shivers, go to smash, go to smithereens, go under, go up, lapse, misbelieve, miscalculate, miscarry, not hack it, not make it, pack up, peter out, serve Mammon, slip, slip up, stray, stumble, trip, turn sour, wander