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Meaning of FIZZLE OUT

Pronunciation:  'fizul awt

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  end weakly; "The music just petered out--there was no proper ending"
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 Synonyms: fizzle, peter out, taper off
 See Also: discontinue



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: be disappointing, be unproductive, blow up, break, break down, burn out, cave in, collapse, come apart, come short, come to naught, come to nothing, come unstuck, conk out, crumble, decline, die, die away, die out, disintegrate, droop, drop, explode, fade, fail, fail miserably, faint, fall down, fall flat, fall short, fall through, fizz out, fizzle, flag, flame out, get bogged down, get hung up, get mired, get nowhere, give out, give way, go downhill, go out, go phut, go soft, go to pieces, go wrong, hang fire, hang up, hit the skids, languish, lie fallow, misfire, not hack it, not make it, peg out, peter out, pine, poop out, sink, turn sour, weaken, wear away, wear thin, wilt, yield