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Meaning of AUDITION

Pronunciation:  o'dishun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a test of the suitability of a performer
  2. [n]  the ability to hear; the auditory faculty; "his hearing was impaired"
  3. [v]  perform in order to get a role; "She auditioned for a role on Broadway"
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 Synonyms: auditory modality, auditory sense, hearing, sense of hearing, try out, tryout
 See Also: absolute pitch, ear, exteroception, modality, perfect pitch, perform, read, run, screen test, sense modality, sensory system, test, trial



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Au*di"tion\, n. [L. auditio.]
The act of hearing or listening; hearing.
      Audition may be active or passive; hence the difference
      between listening and simple hearing.    --Dunglison.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: attention, audibility, audience, aural examination, aural sense, auscultation, bench test, blue book, bugging, conference, dry run, eager attention, ear, eavesdropping, electronic surveillance, exam, examen, examination, examination by ear, favorable attention, final, final examination, flight test, Gedankenexperiment, great go, hearing, heeding, honors, hushed attention, interview, listening, listening in, midsemester, midterm, oral, oral examination, pilot plan, practical test, practice, prelim, quiz, rapt attention, rehearsal, road test, sense of hearing, shakedown, shakedown cruise, take-home examination, test, test flight, test run, trial, trial run, tripos, tryout, viva, wiretapping, workout, written, written examination