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Meaning of POLISH OFF

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  finish a task completely; "I finally got through this homework assignment"
  2. [v]  finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table; "She polished off the remaining potatoes"
  3. [v]  kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"
 Synonyms: bump off, clear up, dispatch, eat up, finish, finish off, finish up, get through, hit, mop up, murder, remove, slay, wrap up
 See Also: burke, cap off, complete, eat, execute, finish, kill, put away, top off, tuck away, tuck in



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accomplish, achieve, attain, blast, blot out, bump off, call off, cancel, compass, complete, consummate, croak, deal with, delete, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, do, do in, do the job, do the trick, drop the curtain, effect, effectuate, enact, end off, erase, execute, expunge, extinguish, fetch, finalize, finish, fix, fold up, fulfill, get, get it over, get over with, get through with, give the business, give the quietus, gun down, hit, ice, kayo, kibosh, kill, knock off, knock out, KO, lay out, make, manage, off, perfect, perform, produce, punish, put, put away, put paid to, realize, rub out, scrag, settle, shoot down, succeed, take care of, turn the trick, waste, wipe out, work, work out, zap