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Meaning of KIBOSH

Pronunciation:  'kIbâsh

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  stop from happening or developing; "Block his election"; "Halt the process"
 Synonyms: block, halt, stop
 See Also: embargo, forbid, foreclose, forestall, preclude, prevent, stay



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ki"bosh\, n.
1. Nonsense; stuff; also, fashion; style. [Slang]
2. Portland cement when thrown or blown into the recesses of
   carved stonework to intensify the shadows.
{To put the kibosh on}, to do for; to dispose of. [Slang]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bugger, call off, cancel, complete, cripple, debilitate, de-energize, delete, disable, disenable, dispose of, drain, drop the curtain, end off, enfeeble, expunge, extinguish, finalize, finish, fold up, get it over, get over with, get through with, give the quietus, hamstring, hors de combat, inactivate, incapacitate, kayo, kill, knock out, KO, lame, maim, perfect, polish off, put, put paid to, queer, queer the works, sabotage, scrag, shoot down, spike, unfit, weaken, wing, wipe out, wreck, zap