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Pronunciation:  bring'forwurd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  bring forward for consideration; "The case was called up in court"
  2. [v]  cause to move forward; "Can you move the car seat forward?"
 Synonyms: advance, call up
 Antonyms: back
 See Also: displace, move, nose, raise



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acculturate, adduce, advance, affect, affront, allege, ameliorate, amend, array, betoken, better, boost, brandish, brave, breast, breathe, bring before, bring forth, bring into view, bring on, bring out, bring to bear, bring to notice, bring up, broach, call to witness, challenge, civilize, commend to attention, confront, confront with, dangle, dare, defy, demonstrate, deploy, develop, disclose, display, divulge, dramatize, edify, educate, elevate, embody, emend, enact, encounter, enhance, enlighten, enrich, envisage, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose to view, express, face, face with, fatten, favor, flaunt, flourish, forward, foster, front, give sign, give token, go straight, highlight, illuminate, improve, improve upon, incarnate, indicate, introduce, lard, launch, lay before, lift, make a motion, make an improvement, make clear, make plain, manifest, marshal, materialize, mean, meet, meet squarely, meliorate, mend, moot, move, nurture, offer, offer a resolution, open up, parade, perform, place before, plead, pose, postulate, prefer, present, present to, produce, promote, propose, proposition, propound, put forth, put forward, put it to, raise, rally, recommend, refine upon, reform, represent, reveal, roll out, set before, set forth, show, show forth, socialize, spotlight, start, stem, straighten out, submit, suggest, swear in, take oath, testify, token, transfigure, transform, trot out, unfold, upgrade, uplift, wave