Meaning of BREAST
Pronunciation: | | brest
Matching Terms: | | breast bud, breast cancer, breast conservation therapy, breast drill, Breast Feeding, breast implant, breast of lamb, breast of veal, breast pocket, breast reconstruction, Breast self exam, breast specialist, breast ultrasound, Breastband, Breastbeam, breastbone, Breast-Conserving Surgery, breast-deep, Breasted, Breastfast, breast-fed, breastfeed, Breastheight, breast-high, Breasthook, Breasting, Breastknot, breastless, breastpin, Breastplate, Breastplow, Breastrail, Breastrope, breaststroke, breaststroker, Breastsummer, Breastwheel, Breastwork
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming of breasts, symbolizes primal nourishment and your need to be nursed and care for. It represent motherhood, nurturance, and infantile dependency. Alternatively, breasts represents sexual arousal and raw energy.
Seeing naked breasts can also denote a feeling of exposure and invasion of privacy. In particular, for a woman, the dream may indicate anxieties about becoming a woman/mother. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | affront, antagonize, bag, ballocks, balls, basket, battle, beard, beat against, beat up against, being, blade roast, bones, boob, boobs, bosom, brave, breast the wave, breasts, bring before, bring forward, bring up, brisket, buck, buffet, buffet the waves, bust, center of life, cervix, challenge, Chateaubriand, chest, chicken foot, chuck, chuck roast, clitoris, clod, close with, cod, cods, cold cuts, combat, compete with, confront, confront with, contend against, contest, core, crop, cullions, dare, dark meat, defy, drumstick, dug, encounter, envisage, esoteric reality, esprit, face, face with, family jewels, female organs, fight, fight against, filet mignon, flank, front, genitalia, genitals, giblets, gonads, grapple with, guts, heart, heart of hearts, heartstrings, inmost heart, inmost soul, inner man, inner nature, innermost being, inside, join battle with, knocker, knockers, knuckle, labia, labia majora, labia minora, labor against, lay before, leg, lingam, lips, loin, male organs, mama, mamelon, mamelonation, mamma, mammary gland, mammilla, mammillation, meat, meet, meet squarely, militate against, neck, nenes, nerve center, nipple, nuts, nymphae, offer resistance, ovary, oyster, pap, papilla, penis, phallus, pigeon breast, place before, plate, plate piece, pot roast, present to, private parts, privates, privy parts, pubic hair, pudenda, put it to, quick, rack, reluct, reluctate, reproductive organs, rib roast, ribs, rival, roast, rocks, rolled roast, round, rump, rump roast, saddle, scrotum, secondary sex characteristic, secret heart, secret places, set before, sex organs, shank, short ribs, shoulder, shoulder clod, sirloin, soul, spermary, spirit, stem, stem the tide, strive against, struggle against, take on, teat, tenderloin, testes, testicles, thigh, thorax, tit, tits, titties, titty, true being, true inwardness, turkey foot, udder, uterus, vagina, vie with, viscera, vital principle, vitals, vulva, white meat, wing, wishbone, womb, yoni |