Matching Terms: | | buff, Buffa, buffalo, Buffalo Bill, Buffalo Bill Cody, buffalo bur, buffalo carpet beetle, buffalo chip, buffalo clover, buffalo fish, buffalo gnat, buffalo gourd, buffalo grass, Buffalo Indian, buffalo nut, buffalo wing, buffalofish, Buffel duck, buffel grass, buffer, buffer capacity, buffer country, buffer overflow, buffer solution, buffer state, buffer storage, buffer store, buffer strip, buffer zone, buffered aspirin, buffered write-through, Bufferhead, Bufferin, buffet, buffet car, buffeted, Buffeter, Buffeting, Buffin, Buffing apparatus, buffing wheel, Buffle, bufflehead, Buffle-headed, Buffo, Buffoon, buffoonery, buffoonish, Buffoonism, Buffoonly
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \Buff"y\, a. (Med.)
Resembling, or characterized by, buff.
{Buffy coat}, the coagulated plasma of blood when the red
corpuscles have so settled out that the coagulum appears
nearly colorless. This is common in diseased conditions
where the corpuscles run together more rapidly and in
denser masses than usual. --Huxley.