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Meaning of FLUNKY

Pronunciation:  'flungkee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a person of unquestioning obedience
  2. [n]  a male servant (especially a footman)
 Synonyms: dweeb, flunkey, lackey, stooge, yes-man
 See Also: follower, pushover, retainer, servant



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Flun"ky\, n.; pl. {Flunkies}. [Prob. fr. or akin to
flank.] [Written also {flunkey}.]
1. A contemptuous name for a liveried servant or a footman.
2. One who is obsequious or cringing; a snob.
3. One easily deceived in buying stocks; an inexperienced and
   unwary jobber. [Cant, U.S.]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adherent, appendage, apple-polisher, ass-licker, attendant, backscratcher, backslapper, blue-collar worker, bootlick, bootlicker, breadwinner, brownie, brown-nose, buff, casual, casual laborer, cavaliere servente, clawback, cog, common laborer, commonality, commonalty, courtier, creature, cringer, dangler, day laborer, dependent, disciple, dummy, dupe, employee, factory worker, fan, fawner, feudatory, figurehead, flatterer, follower, following, footlicker, footman, free lance, free-lancer, full-time worker, gillie, goon, groveler, hand, handshaker, hanger-on, helot, henchman, hoi polloi, homager, homme de cour, industrial worker, inferior, instrument, jackal, jobber, jobholder, junior, kowtower, laborer, laboring man, lackey, led captain, lickspit, lickspittle, liege, liege man, lightweight, liveried servant, lower class, lower orders, man, masses, mealymouth, menial, migrant, minion, moiler, myrmidon, navvy, office temporary, parasite, partisan, pawn, peon, proletarian, public, puppet, pursuer, pursuivant, retainer, roustabout, salaried worker, satellite, second fiddle, secondary, sectary, self-employed person, serf, servant, shadow, slave, spaniel, stiff, stooge, subaltern, subordinate, successor, suck, supporter, sycophant, tagtail, tail, temporary, third stringer, thug, timeserver, toad, toady, toiler, tool, trainbearer, truckler, tufthunter, underling, understrapper, vassal, votary, wage earner, wage slave, wageworker, ward heeler, worker, workgirl, workhand, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman, yeoman, yes-man