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Meaning of MENIAL

Pronunciation:  'meeneeul

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a domestic servant
  2. [adj]  used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)
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 Synonyms: dogsbody, humble, lowly, unskilled
 See Also: retainer, servant



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Men"ial\, a. [OE. meneal, fr. meine, maine, household,
    OF. maisni['e]e, maisnie, LL. mansionaticum. See {Mansion},
    and cf. {Meine}, n., {Meiny}.]
    1. Belonging to a retinue or train of servants; performing
       servile office; serving.
             Two menial dogs before their master pressed.
    2. Pertaining to servants, esp. domestic servants; servile;
       low; mean. `` Menial offices.'' --Swift.
  2. \Men"ial\, n.
    1. A domestic servant or retainer, esp. one of humble rank;
       one employed in low or servile offices.
    2. A person of a servile character or disposition.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: attendant, attending, base, blue-collar worker, bootlicker, breadwinner, brown-nosing, casual, casual laborer, common laborer, cringing, day laborer, degrading, demeaning, domestic, domestic servant, drudge, employee, factory worker, fag, fawning, flattering, flunky, free lance, free-lancer, full-time worker, gofer, hand, help, helping, humble, ignoble, industrial worker, jobber, jobholder, laborer, laboring man, lackey, leech, lickspittle, low, lowly, mean, migrant, minion, ministering, moiler, navvy, obeisant, obsequious, office temporary, parasite, proletarian, roustabout, routine, salaried worker, scullion, self-employed person, serf, servant, servile, serving, servitor, servitorial, slave, slavey, slavish, stiff, submissive, subservient, sycophant, sycophantic, temporary, toady, toadying, toiler, turnspit, underling, unskilled, wage earner, wage slave, wageworker, waiting, worker, workgirl, workhand, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman, yes-man