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Pronunciation:  [adj]di'skrimunit, [v]di'skrimu`neyt, di'skreemi`neyt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions; "discriminate judgments"; "discriminate people"
  2. [adj]  noting distinctions with nicety; "a discriminating interior designer"; "a nice sense of color"; "a nice point in the argument"
  3. [v]  recognize or perceive the difference
  4. [v]  distinguish; "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish"
  5. [v]  treat differently on the basis of sex or race
 Synonyms: discriminating, know apart, nice, separate, single out
 Antonyms: indiscriminate
 See Also: differentiate, differentiate, disadvantage, discern, disfavor, disfavour, distinguish, distinguish, distinguish, hive off, insulate, isolate, make out, pick out, recognise, recognize, redline, secern, secern, secernate, secernate, segregate, separate, severalise, severalise, severalize, severalize, subtilize, tell, tell, tell apart, tell apart, tell apart



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dis*crim"i*nate\, a. [L. discriminatus, p. p. of
    discriminare to divide, separate, fr. discrimen division,
    distinction, decision, fr. discernere. See {Discern}, and cf.
    Having the difference marked; distinguished by certain
    tokens. --Bacon.
  2. \Dis*crim"i*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Discriminated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Discriminating}.]
    To set apart as being different; to mark as different; to
    separate from another by discerning differences; to
    distinguish. --Cowper.
          To discriminate the goats from the sheep. --Barrow.
  3. \Dis*crim"i*nate\, v. i.
    1. To make a difference or distinction; to distinguish
       accurately; as, in judging of evidence, we should be
       careful to discriminate between probability and slight
       (a) To treat unequally.
       (b) (Railroads) To impose unequal tariffs for
           substantially the same service.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: analyze, anatomize, atomize, change, chop logic, collate, compare, contradistinguish, contrast, demarcate, demark, desynonymize, difference, differentiate, discern, discriminate against, disequalize, disfavor, disjoin, distinguish, diversify, divide, draw the line, extricate, favor, individualize, individuate, make a distinction, mark, mark off, mark out, mark the interface, modify, note, particularize, perceive, personalize, pick out, play favorites, prefer, red-bait, refine a distinction, remark, screen, screen out, segregate, select, separate, set a limit, set apart, set off, sever, severalize, show preference, sieve, sieve out, sift, sift out, sort, sort out, specialize, split hairs, subdivide, subtilize, treat unequally, vary, winnow