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Meaning of ATOMIZE

Pronunciation:  'atu`mIz

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  break up into small particles; of liquids or solids
  2. [v]  strike at with firepower or bombs; "zap the enemy"
  3. [v]  spray very finely; "atomize perfume"

ATOMIZE is a 7 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: atomise, atomise, atomise, nuke, zap
 See Also: bomb, bombard, break up, fragment, fragmentise, fragmentize, spray



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\At"om*ize\, v. t.
To reduce to atoms, or to fine spray.
      The liquids in the form of spray are said to be
      pulverized, nebulized, or atomized.      --Dunglison.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ablate, abrade, accelerate, activate, adduce, aerate, aerify, analyze, anatomize, beat, bombard, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brecciate, carbonate, change, chlorinate, chop logic, circumstantiate, cite, cleave, come apart, comminute, consume, contriturate, corrode, crack up, crash, cross-bombard, crumb, crumble, crumble into dust, crunch, crush, cut to pieces, decay, decompose, demolish, descend to particulars, desynonymize, detail, difference, differentiate, diffuse, disassemble, discriminate, disequalize, disintegrate, disjoin, dismantle, disorganize, disperse, disrupt, dissolve, distill, distinguish, diversify, divide, document, dynamite, emit, enter into detail, erode, etherify, etherize, evaporate, exhale, fall to pieces, fission, flour, fluidize, fractionate, fragment, fume, fumigate, gasify, give full particulars, give off, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grind, grind to powder, hydrogenate, individualize, individuate, instance, itemize, levigate, make a distinction, make mincemeat of, mark, mark off, mark out, mash, mill, mince, modify, molder, nucleize, oxygenate, particularize, perfume, personalize, pestle, pick to pieces, pound, powder, pull in pieces, pull to pieces, pulverize, reduce to powder, reduce to rubble, reek, refine a distinction, rend, rub out, ruin, scatter, scrunch, segregate, send out, separate, set apart, set off, sever, severalize, shard, shatter, shiver, shred, smash, smash the atom, smash up, smoke, specialize, specify, spell out, splinter, split, split hairs, spray, squash, squish, steam, sublimate, sublime, substantiate, sunder, take apart, tear apart, tear down, tear to pieces, tear to shreds, tear to tatters, total, triturate, unbuild, undo, unmake, vaporize, vary, volatilize, waste away, wear away, wrack up, wreck