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Meaning of ABLATE

Pronunciation:  a'bleyt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  remove an organ or bodily structure by surgery
  2. [v]  wear away through erosion or vaporization
 See Also: remove, take, take away, wear, wear off, wear out, wear thin, withdraw



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abate, abrade, abrase, absorb, assimilate, atomize, bark, bate, be eaten away, bleed white, break up, burn up, chafe, come apart, consume, consume away, corrode, crack up, crumble, crumble into dust, decay, decline, decompose, decrease, deliquesce, deplete, depreciate, die away, digest, diminish, disintegrate, disjoin, disorganize, dissipate, dissolve, dive, drain, drain of resources, dribble away, drop, drop off, dwindle, eat, eat up, ebb, erase, erode, exhaust, expend, fall, fall away, fall off, fall to pieces, file, finish, finish off, fission, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gnaw, gnaw away, gobble, gobble up, grate, graze, grind, impoverish, ingest, languish, lessen, let up, melt away, molder, plummet, plunge, rasp, raze, rub away, rub off, rub out, run low, sag, scour, scrape, scrub, scuff, shrink, sink, skin, spend, split, squander, subside, suck dry, swallow, swallow up, tail off, tatter, use up, wane, waste, waste away, wear, wear away, wear down, wear off, wear out, wear ragged, weather