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Pronunciation:  `oltur'keyshun

WordNet Dictionary
[n]  noisy quarrel

ALTERCATION is a 11 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: affray, fracas
 See Also: batrachomyomachia, dustup, quarrel, row, run-in, words, wrangle



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Al`ter*ca"tion\ (?; 277), n. [F. altercation, fr.
L. altercatio.]
Warm contention in words; dispute carried on with heat or
anger; controversy; wrangle; wordy contest. ``Stormy
altercations.'' --Macaulay.
Syn: {Altercation}, {Dispute}, {Wrangle}.
Usage: The term dispute is in most cases, but not
       necessarily, applied to a verbal contest; as, a
       dispute on the lawfulness of war. An altercation is an
       angry dispute between two parties, involving an
       interchange of severe language. A wrangle is a
       confused and noisy altercation.
             Their whole life was little else than a
             perpetual wrangling and altercation. --Hakewill.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: argument, bicker, bickering, blood feud, brawl, broil, cat-and-dog life, combat, conflict, contention, contentiousness, contest, contestation, controversy, cut and thrust, debate, disputation, dispute, donnybrook, donnybrook fair, embroilment, enmity, falling-out, feud, fight, fighting, fliting, fracas, fuss, hostility, imbroglio, Kilkenny cats, litigation, logomachy, open quarrel, paper war, polemic, quarrel, quarreling, quarrelsomeness, scrapping, sharp words, slanging match, snarl, spat, squabble, squabbling, strife, struggle, tiff, tussle, vendetta, war, war of words, warfare, words, wrangle, wrangling