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Meaning of STRIFE

Pronunciation:  strIf

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  bitter conflict; heated often violent dissension
  2. [n]  lack of agreement or harmony
 Synonyms: discord
 See Also: battle, conflict, countercurrent, discord, discordance, disorder, struggle



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Strife\, n. [OF. estrif. See {Strive}.]
1. The act of striving; earnest endeavor. [Archaic] --Shak.
2. Exertion or contention for superiority; contest of
   emulation, either by intellectual or physical efforts.
         Doting about questions and strifes of words. --1
                                               Tim. vi. 4.
         Thus gods contended -- noble strife - Who most
         should ease the wants of life.        --Congreve.
3. Altercation; violent contention; fight; battle.
         Twenty of them fought in this black strife. --Shak.
         These vows, thus granted, raised a strife above
         Betwixt the god of war and queen of love. --Dryden.
4. That which is contended against; occasion of contest.
   [Obs.] ``Lamenting her unlucky strife.'' --Spenser.
Syn: Contest; struggle; quarrel. See {Contention}.