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Meaning of DELIVERY

Pronunciation:  di'livuree

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  recovery or preservation from loss or danger; "work is the deliverance of mankind"; "a surgeon's job is the saving of lives"
  2. [n]  (baseball) the throwing of a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
  3. [n]  the act of delivering a child
  4. [n]  the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail); "his reluctant delivery of bad news"
  5. [n]  the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another
  6. [n]  your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally; "his manner of speaking was quite abrupt"; "her speech was barren of southernisms"; "I detected a slight accent in his speech"
  7. [n]  the event of giving birth; "she had a difficult delivery"
 Synonyms: bringing, deliverance, legal transfer, livery, manner of speaking, obstetrical delivery, pitch, rescue, saving, speech
 See Also: abdominal delivery, accouchement, address, bailment, balk, ball, baseball, baseball game, beanball, beaner, bender, birth, breaking ball, breech birth, breech delivery, breech presentation, bullet, caesarean, caesarean delivery, caesarean section, catch, cesarean, cesarean delivery, cesarean section, cesarian, cesarian section, change-of-pace, change-of-pace ball, change-up, childbearing, childbirth, consignment, conveyance, conveyance of title, conveyancing, conveying, C-section, curve, curve ball, deed, duster, effort, elocution, exploit, expressive style, fastball, feat, forceps delivery, handing over, heater, hummer, inflection, knuckleball, knuckler, lifesaving, midwifery, modulation, nascence, nascency, nativity, off-speed pitch, paralanguage, paralinguistic communication, passage, post, prosody, reclamation, recovery, redemption, reformation, retrieval, salvage, salvation, screwball, search and rescue mission, service, service of process, serving, shibboleth, sinker, smoke, spitball, spitter, strike, style, submarine ball, submarine pitch, surrender, throw, tone, tone of voice, tongue, transfer, transferral, transportation, vaginal birth, wild pitch



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\De*liv"er*y\, n.; pl. {Deliveries}.
1. The act of delivering from restraint; rescue; release;
   liberation; as, the delivery of a captive from his
2. The act of delivering up or over; surrender; transfer of
   the body or substance of a thing; distribution; as, the
   delivery of a fort, of hostages, of a criminal, of goods,
   of letters.
3. The act or style of utterance; manner of speaking; as, a
   good delivery; a clear delivery.
4. The act of giving birth; parturition; the expulsion or
   extraction of a fetus and its membranes.
5. The act of exerting one's strength or limbs.
         Neater limbs and freer delivery.      --Sir H.
6. The act or manner of delivering a ball; as, the pitcher
   has a swift delivery.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abalienation, accommodation, accordance, accouchement, affranchisement, alienation, amortization, amortizement, articulation, assignation, assignment, attack, award, awarding, bargain and sale, barter, bearing, bequeathal, bestowal, bestowment, birth, birth throes, birthing, blessed event, break, breakout, cession, childbearing, childbed, childbirth, communication, concession, conduction, conferment, conferral, confinement, consignation, consignment, contagion, contribution, convection, conveyance, conveyancing, deeding, deliverance, demise, deportation, diapedesis, diffusion, disenthrallment, disposal, disposition, dissemination, distribution, donation, emancipation, Emancipation Proclamation, emergence, endowment, enfeoffment, enfranchisement, enunciation, escape, escapism, evasion, exchange, execution, export, exportation, expression, expulsion, extradition, extrication, flight, freeing, furnishment, gay liberation, genesis, getaway, gifting, giving, giving birth, grant, granting, hatching, having a baby, impartation, impartment, import, importation, interchange, investiture, issuance, issue, jailbreak, labor, leak, leakage, lease and release, liberality, liberation, lifesaving, manumission, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, migration, multiparity, mutual transfer, nascency, nativity, offer, osmosis, outlet, parturition, passage, passing over, performance, perfusion, phonation, presentation, presentment, prisonbreak, pronunciation, provision, ransom, recovery, redemption, release, rescue, retrieval, riddance, sale, salvage, salvation, saving, setting at liberty, setting-free, settlement, settling, spread, spreading, subscription, supplying, surrender, the Nativity, the stork, trading, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transference, transfusion, transit, transition, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmittal, transmittance, transplacement, transplantation, transport, transportation, transposal, transposition, travail, travel, utterance, vent, vesting, vocalization, voicing, vouchsafement