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Meaning of ABRUPT

Pronunciation:  u'brupt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner; "an abrupt reply"
  2. [adj]  exceedingly sudden and unexpected; "came to an abrupt stop"; "an abrupt change in the weather"
  3. [adj]  extremely steep; "an abrupt canyon"; "the precipitous rapids of the upper river"; "the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings"; "a sharp drop"
  4. [adj]  marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions; "abrupt prose"

ABRUPT is a 6 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: disconnected, discourteous, precipitous, sharp, staccato, steep, sudden



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ab*rupt"\, a. [L. abruptus, p. p. of abrumpere to break
    off; ab + rumpere to break. See {Rupture}.]
    1. Broken off; very steep, or craggy, as rocks, precipices,
       banks; precipitous; steep; as, abrupt places. ``Tumbling
       through ricks abrupt,'' --Thomson.
    2. Without notice to prepare the mind for the event; sudden;
       hasty; unceremonious. ``The cause of your abrupt
       departure.'' --Shak.
    3. Having sudden transitions from one subject to another;
             The abrupt style, which hath many breaches. --B.
    4. (Bot.) Suddenly terminating, as if cut off. --Gray.
    Syn: Sudden; unexpected; hasty; rough; curt; unceremonious;
         rugged; blunt; disconnected; broken.
  2. \Ab*rupt"\, n. [L. abruptum.]
    An abrupt place. [Poetic]
          ``Over the vast abrupt.''                --Milton.
  3. \Ab*rupt"\, v. t.
    To tear off or asunder. [Obs.] ``Till death abrupts them.''
    --Sir T. Browne.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aggressive, arduous, bearish, beastly, bluff, blunt, blunted, blunt-edged, blunt-ended, bluntish, blunt-pointed, bold, brash, breakneck, breathless, brief, brisk, brusque, casual, cavalier, churlish, crisp, crusty, curt, discourteous, dull, dulled, dull-edged, dullish, dull-pointed, edgeless, electrifying, faired, gruff, harsh, hasty, headlong, hurried, impetuous, impolite, impulsive, informal, nerve-shattering, obtuse, panting, perpendicular, plumb, plunging, pointless, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, quick, rapid, rash, ready, rough, rounded, rude, rushing, severe, sharp, sheer, shocking, short, sideling, smoothed, snappish, snappy, snippety, snippy, speedy, startling, steep, stickle, sudden, surly, surprising, swift, truculent, unannounced, unanticipated, unceremonious, uncivil, unedged, unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for, unplanned, unpointed, unpredicted, unsharp, unsharpened, vertical