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Meaning of TUMBLING

Pronunciation:  'tumbling

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the gymnastic moves of an acrobat
  2. [adj]  moving in surges and billows and rolls; "billowing smoke from burning houses"; "the rolling fog"; "the rolling sea"; "the tumbling water of the rapids"
  3. [adj]  pitching headlong with a rolling or twisting movement; "a violent tumbling fall"
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 Synonyms: acrobatics, billowing, falling, moving, rolling
 See Also: acrobatic feat, acrobatic stunt, gymnastics



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Noon and her husband Herbie find two girls on their doorstep--one an infant and the other a five-year-old. They keep the girls, who grow up loving one another like sisters, then splitting in a rivalry over a property developer and the prospect of having their neighborhood torn up by a freeway. Eventually they are reconciled by Ethel, a hell of a blues singer who seems to exist at the heart of everything the girls have been searching for.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
a. & vb. n. from {Tumble}, v.
{Tumbling barrel}. Same as {Rumble}, n., 4.
{Tumbling bay}, an overfall, or weir, in a canal.