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Meaning of CRUSTY

Pronunciation:  'krustee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  brusque and surly and forbidding; "crusty remarks"; "a crusty old man"; "his curmudgeonly temper"; "gruff manner"; "a gruff reply"
  2. [adj]  having a hardened crust as a covering
 Synonyms: covered, crusted, crustlike, curmudgeonly, encrusted, gruff, ill-humored, ill-humoured, ill-natured



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Crust"y\ (-[y^]), a.
1. Having the nature of crust; pertaining to a hard covering;
   as, a crusty coat; a crusty surface or substance.
2. [Possibly a corruption of cursty. Cf. {Curst},
   {Curstness}.] Having a hard exterior, or a short, rough
   manner, though kind at heart; snappish; peevish; surly.
         Thou crusty batch of nature, what's the news?
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abrupt, aggressive, backed, barnyard, bearish, beastly, biggety, bitchy, bluff, blunt, brash, brief, brusque, calcified, callous, calloused, cankered, cantankerous, case-hardened, cavalier, cheeky, choleric, churlish, chutzpadik, coarse, cocky, contemptuous, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusted, crystallized, curt, cussed, derisive, dirty, disagreeable, disrespectful, dour, excitable, facy, feisty, filthy, flip, flippant, fossilized, foul, fractious, fresh, gally, granulated, gratuitous, gross, gruff, hardened, harsh, hornified, huffish, huffy, impertinent, impudent, incrusted, indurate, indurated, irascible, irritable, lapidified, malapert, mean, nervy, ornery, ossified, pert, perverse, petrified, rank, raunchy, reinforced, rigidified, rough, rude, sassy, saturnine, saucy, sclerotic, set, severe, sharp, short, smart, smart-alecky, smart-ass, snappish, snippety, snippy, solidified, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, steeled, stiffened, strengthened, surly, testy, toughened, truculent, ugly, uncalled-for, vitrified, waspish, wise-ass