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Meaning of CHEVRON

Pronunciation:  'shevrun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an inverted V-shaped charge
  2. [n]  V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service
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 Synonyms: grade insignia, stripe, stripes
 See Also: armorial bearing, badge, bearing, charge, heraldic bearing



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Chev"ron\, n. [F., rafter, chevron, from ch['e]vre
goat, OF. chevre, fr. L. capra she-goat. See {Cheveril}.]
1. (Her.) One of the nine honorable ordinaries, consisting of
   two broad bands of the width of the bar, issuing,
   respectively from the dexter and sinister bases of the
   field and conjoined at its center.
2. (Mil.) A distinguishing mark, above the elbow, on the
   sleeve of a non-commissioned officer's coat.
3. (Arch.) A zigzag molding, or group of moldings, common in
   Norman architecture.
{Chevron bones} (Anat.), The V-shaped subvertebral arches
   which inclose the caudal blood vessels in some animals.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: achievement, alerion, angle, animal charge, annulet, apex, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, aviation badge, azure, badge, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, baton, bearings, bend, bend sinister, bifurcation, bight, billet, blazon, blazonry, bordure, broad arrow, cadency mark, cant, canton, chaplet, charge, chicken, chief, coat of arms, cockatrice, coin, corner, coronet, crank, crankiness, crescent, crest, crook, crookedness, cross, cross moline, crotchet, crown, deflection, device, difference, differencing, dogleg, eagle, elbow, ell, epaulet, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, falcon, fess, fess point, field, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, flexuosity, fork, fret, fur, furcation, fusil, garland, griffin, gules, gyron, hairpin, hash mark, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, Hershey bar, honor point, hook, impalement, impaling, inescutcheon, inflection, insignia of branch, knee, L, label, lion, lozenge, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, metal, motto, mullet, nombril point, nook, oak leaf, octofoil, or, ordinary, organization insignia, orle, overseas bar, pale, paly, parachute badge, patch, pean, pheon, pip, point, purpure, quarter, quartering, quoin, rose, sable, saltire, scutcheon, service stripe, shield, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, spread eagle, star, stripe, submarine badge, subordinary, swerve, switchback, tenne, tincture, torse, tressure, unicorn, vair, veer, vert, vertex, wreath, yale, zag, zig, zigzag, zigzaggery