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Meaning of DEBILITY

Pronunciation:  di'bilitee

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)
 Synonyms: feebleness, frailness, frailty, infirmity
 See Also: asthenia, astheny, bad condition, cachexia, cachexy, poor shape, unfitness, wasting



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\De*bil"i*ty\, n. [L. debilitas, fr. debilis weak,
prob. fr. de- + habilis able: cf. F. d['e]bilit['e]. See
{Able}, a.]
The state of being weak; weakness; feebleness; languor.
      The inconveniences of too strong a perspiration, which
      are debility, faintness, and sometimes sudden death.
Syn: {Debility}, {Infirmity}, {Imbecility}.
Usage: An infirmity belongs, for the most part, to particular
       members, and is often temporary, as of the eyes, etc.
       Debility is more general, and while it lasts impairs
       the ordinary functions of nature. Imbecility attaches
       to the whole frame, and renders it more or less
       powerless. Debility may be constitutional or may be
       the result or superinduced causes; Imbecility is
       always constitutional; infirmity is accidental, and
       results from sickness or a decay of the frame. These
       words, in their figurative uses, have the same
       distinctions; we speak of infirmity of will, debility
       of body, and an Imbecility which affects the whole
       man; but Imbecility is often used with specific
       reference to feebleness of mind.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: advanced age, advanced years, adynamia, age of retirement, an incurable disease, anemia, anility, atony, blah feeling, bloodlessness, brain fag, cachexia, cachexy, caducity, chronic ill health, cowardice, debilitation, decline of life, declining years, decrepitude, delicacy, delicate health, disease, dotage, dullness, eld, elderliness, enervation, enfeeblement, etiolation, exhaustion, eyestrain, faintness, fatigue, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, fragility, frailty, goneness, green old age, hale old age, healthlessness, heart strain, hoary age, hypochondria, hypochondriasis, ill health, impotence, infirm old age, infirmity, infirmity of age, invalidism, invalidity, jadedness, languishing, languishment, languor, lassitude, listlessness, longevity, malaise, mental fatigue, mental strain, morbidity, morbidness, old age, oldness, overstrain, overtiredness, peakedness, pensionable age, poor health, prostration, ricketiness, ripe old age, second childhood, senectitude, senility, senior citizenship, sickliness, sleepiness, sluggishness, softness, stance fatigue, strain, strengthlessness, superannuation, the downward slope, the golden years, tiredness, unhealthiness, unsoundness, unwholesomeness, vale of years, valetudinarianism, wasting, weakliness, weakness, wearifulness, weariness, white hairs