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Meaning of GROTESQUE

Pronunciation:  grow'tesk

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  art characterized by an incongruous mixture of parts of humans and animals interwoven with plants
  2. [adj]  distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous; "tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas"; "twisted into monstrous shapes"
  3. [adj]  ludicrously odd; "Hamlet's assumed antic disposition"; "fantastic Halloween costumes"; "a grotesque reflection in the mirror"
 Synonyms: antic, fantastic, fantastical, monstrous, strange, ugly, unnatural, unusual
 See Also: art, fine art



Products Dictionary

A serial killer claims he is possessed by a malicious gargoyle--one that he fears will now possess someone else while he is in jail--so Mulder and Scully must uncover the demonic force that is responsible for the murders. Original.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Gro*tesque\, n.
1. A whimsical figure, or scene, such as is found in old
   crypts and grottoes. --Dryden.
2. Artificial grotto-work.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aberrant, abnormal, absurd, anomalous, antic, art object, bandy, bandy-legged, baroque, beyond belief, bizarre, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, brain-born, brainchild, bric-a-brac, cacogenic, classic, club-footed, cockamamie, comic, comical, composition, crazy, creation, curious, defaced, deformed, design, disfigured, distorted, dream-built, droll, dwarfed, eerie, extravagant, extreme, fanciful, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasque, fantastic, flamboyant, flatfooted, florid, foolish, freak, freakish, gargoylish, gnarled, Gothic, gruesome, high-flown, ill-made, ill-proportioned, ill-shaped, incongruous, incredible, kitsch, knock-kneed, laughable, ludicrous, maggoty, malformed, marred, master, masterpiece, masterwork, misbegotten, misproportioned, misshapen, mobile, monstrous, museum piece, mutilated, nonsensical, notional, nude, odd, offbeat, old master, out of shape, outlandish, outrageous, outre, pasticcio, pastiche, peculiar, piece, piece of virtu, pigeon-toed, poppycockish, preposterous, pug-nosed, queer, rachitic, rickety, ridiculous, rococo, shapeless, simous, snub-nosed, stabile, statue, still life, strange, study, stumpy, swaybacked, talipedic, teratic, teratogenic, teratoid, truncated, twisted, uncanny, unshapely, virtu, weird, whimsical, wild, work, work of art