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Meaning of SET DOWN

Pronunciation:  set dawn

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.
  2. [v]  leave or unload, esp. of passengers or cargo;
  3. [v]  cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place; "set down your bags here"
  4. [v]  put or settle into a position; "The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley"
  5. [v]  go ashore; "The passengers disembarked at Southampton"
  6. [v]  reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
 Synonyms: debark, discharge, disembark, drop, get down, place down, put down, put down, unload, write down
 Antonyms: embark, ship
 See Also: air-drop, alight, arrive, beach, belly-land, come, crash land, dash down, dash off, deliver, flump, force-land, get, land, lay, light, notate, note, perch, place, plank, plonk, plop, plump, plump down, plunk, plunk down, port, pose, position, put, set, set down, take down, touch down, transcribe, undershoot, wharf, write