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Pronunciation:  `ekspu'zishun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an account that sets forth the meaning or intent of a writing or discourse; "we would have understood the play better if there had been some initial exposition of the background"
  2. [n]  a systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic
  3. [n]  a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display
 Synonyms: exhibition, expo, expounding
 See Also: account, accumulation, aggregation, art exhibition, assemblage, collection, explanation, fair, interpretation, peepshow, philosophizing, raree-show



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ex`po*si"tion\, n. [L. expositio, fr. exponere,
expositum: cf. F. exposition. See {Expound}.]
1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or
   displaying to public view.
2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or
   meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation;
   interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
   the like, by an interpreter; hence, a work containing
   explanations or interpretations; a commentary.
         You know the law; your exposition Hath been most
         sound.                                --Shak.
3. Situation or position with reference to direction of view
   or accessibility to influence of sun, wind, etc.;
   exposure; as, an easterly exposition; an exposition to the
   sun. [Obs.] --Arbuthnot.
4. A public exhibition or show, as of industrial and artistic
   productions; as, the Paris Exposition of 1878. [A
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: allegorization, anacrusis, apocalypse, article, assignment, auto show, baring, bass passage, bazaar, boat show, bourdon, bridge, burden, cadence, causerie, chalk talk, chorus, clarification, coda, commentary, commercial complex, construction, cosmorama, cracking, critique, cyclorama, decipherment, declaration, decoding, delineation, demonstration, demythologization, descant, description, development, diorama, disclosing, disclosure, discourse, discovering, discovery, discussion, display, disquisition, dissertation, division, editing, elucidation, emendation, emporium, enactment, enlightenment, enunciation, essay, etude, euhemerism, examination, excursus, exegesis, exemplification, exercise, exhibit, exhibition, explanation, explication, expo, expose, exposure, expounding, fair, feature, figure, first approach, flea fair, flea market, folderol, georama, harangue, harmonic close, homework, homily, illumination, illustration, instruction, interlude, intermezzo, interpretation, introductory phrase, introductory study, laying bare, lecture, lecture-demonstration, lesson, light, light show, lucubration, manifestation, market, market overt, marketplace, mart, measure, memoir, monograph, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, morceau, movement, musical phrase, musical sentence, myriorama, note, object lesson, open market, opening, ornament, ostentation, outline, pageant, pageantry, pandect, panorama, paper, parade, paragraph, part, passage, patefaction, performance, period, phantasmagoria, phrase, piece, plaza, pomp, preachment, preliminary study, presentation, presentment, production, projection, prolegomenon, psychedelic show, rationale, reason, recital, recitation, refrain, removing the veil, representation, research paper, resolution, response, retrospective, revealing, revealment, revelation, rialto, ritornello, screed, section, sermon, set task, shifting scene, shopping center, shopping mall, shopping plaza, show, showing, showing up, showup, sight, simplification, sketch, skull session, solution, special article, spectacle, stage show, stanza, staple, statement, strain, street market, stripping, study, survey, tableau, tableau vivant, tailpiece, talk, task, teaching, term paper, theme, thesis, tract, tractate, trade fair, treatise, treatment, tutti, tutti passage, uncloaking, uncovering, unfolding, unfoldment, unlocking, unmasking, unveiling, unwrapping, variation, varnishing day, vernissage, verse