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Meaning of LESSON

Pronunciation:  'lesun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a task assigned for individual study; "he did the lesson for today"
  2. [n]  a unit of instruction; "he took driving lessons"
  3. [n]  the significance of a story or event; "the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor"
  4. [n]  punishment intended as a warning to others; "they decided to make an example of him"
 Synonyms: deterrent example, example, moral, object lesson
 See Also: admonition, class, course, course of instruction, course of study, dance lesson, education, educational activity, example, exercise, golf lesson, history lesson, import, instruction, language lesson, meaning, monition, music lesson, pedagogy, reading assignment, school assignment, significance, signification, teaching, tennis lesson, warning, word of advice



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Les"son\ (l[e^]s"s'n), n. [OE. lessoun, F. le[,c]on
    lesson, reading, fr. L. lectio a reading, fr. legere to read,
    collect. See {Legend}, and cf. {Lection}.]
    1. Anything read or recited to a teacher by a pupil or
       learner; something, as a portion of a book, assigned to a
       pupil to be studied or learned at one time.
    2. That which is learned or taught by an express effort;
       instruction derived from precept, experience, observation,
       or deduction; a precept; a doctrine; as, to take or give a
       lesson in drawing.`` A smooth and pleasing lesson.''
             Emprinteth well this lesson in your mind. --Chaucer.
    3. A portion of Scripture read in divine service for
       instruction; as, here endeth the first lesson.
    4. A severe lecture; reproof; rebuke; warning.
             She would give her a lesson for walking so late.
                                                   --Sir. P.
    5. (Mus.) An exercise; a composition serving an educational
       purpose; a study.
  2. \Les"son\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lessoned} (-s'nd); p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Lessoning}.]
    To teach; to instruct. --Shak.
          To rest the weary, and to soothe the sad, Doth lesson
          happier men, and shame at least the bad. --Byron.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: admonish, admonishment, admonition, alarm, assignment, call down, castigation, caution, caveat, chalk talk, chastening, chastisement, chide, chiding, class, correction, deterrent, deterrent example, discouragement, discourse, disquisition, drill, example, exemplar, exercise, exposition, final notice, final warning, guide, harangue, hint, homework, homily, instruction, lecture, lecture-demonstration, maxim, message, model, monition, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, notice, notification, object lesson, objurgation, paragon, practice, preachment, precept, punishment, rating, reading, rebuke, recital, recitation, reprehension, reprimand, reproach, reprobation, reproof, reproval, schooling, scolding, sermon, session, set task, skull session, spanking, study, talk, task, teaching, threat, tick off, tip-off, tutoring, ultimatum, upbraiding, verbum sapienti, warning, warning piece