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Pronunciation:  pru'jekshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting
  2. [n]  the act of projecting out from something
  3. [n]  any structure that branches out from a central support
  4. [n]  the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction
  5. [n]  a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
  6. [n]  a planned undertaking
  7. [n]  the projection of an image from a film onto a screen
  8. [n]  (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else
  9. [n]  any solid convex shape that juts out from something
 Synonyms: ejection, expulsion, forcing out, jut, jutting, project, protrusion
 See Also: actuation, anticipation, arm, belch, belching, branch, brim, bulge, bump, burp, burping, burr, cash cow, change of shape, cleat, construction, convex shape, convexity, cornice, coughing up, defence, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defenestration, defense, defense mechanism, defense reaction, disgorgement, drip, drip mold, drip mould, emesis, eructation, excrescence, expectoration, extrusion, flange, flue, fluke, gibbosity, gibbousness, head, hump, jag, jut, knife, knob, limb, lobe, lug, map projection, moneymaker, money-spinner, overhang, plan, prediction, prevision, program, programme, prominence, prong, propulsion, protrusion, protuberance, puking, regurgitation, representation, rim, salient, spike, spine, spit, spitting, spur, structure, tail, tail end, tenon, tongue, tooth, visual communication, vomit, vomiting



Products Dictionary

Led by Trevor Lucas, a plastic surgeon accused of a series of grisly crimes, eighteen murderers and rapists have seized control of a unit in a hospital for the criminally insane, and forensic psychiatrist Frank Clevenger must risk his life--and his soul--to help rescue the hostages before it is too late. Reprint.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Pro*jec"tion\, n. [L. projectio: cf. F. projection.]
1. The act of throwing or shooting forward.
2. A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building;
   an extension beyond something else.
3. The act of scheming or planning; also, that which is
   planned; contrivance; design; plan. --Davenant.
4. (Persp.) The representation of something; delineation;
   plan; especially, the representation of any object on a
   perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result
   were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon
   the plane, each in the direction of a line drawn through
   it from a given point of sight, or central point; as, the
   projection of a sphere. The several kinds of projection
   differ according to the assumed point of sight and plane
   of projection in each.
5. (Geog.) Any method of representing the surface of the
   earth upon a plane.
{Conical projection}, a mode of representing the sphere, the
   spherical surface being projected upon the surface of a
   cone tangent to the sphere, the point of sight being at
   the center of the sphere.
{Cylindric projection}, a mode of representing the sphere,
   the spherical surface being projected upon the surface of
   a cylinder touching the sphere, the point of sight being
   at the center of the sphere.
{Globular}, {Gnomonic}, {Orthographic}, {projection},etc. See
   under {Globular}, {Gnomonic}, etc.
{Mercator's projection}, a mode of representing the sphere in
   which the meridians are drawn parallel to each other, and
   the parallels of latitude are straight lines whose
   distance from each other increases with their distance
   from the equator, so that at all places the degrees of
   latitude and longitude have to each other the same ratio
   as on the sphere itself.
{Oblique projection}, a projection made by parallel lines
   drawn from every point of a figure and meeting the plane
   of projection obliquely.
{Polar projection}, a projection of the sphere in which the
   point of sight is at the center, and the plane of
   projection passes through one of the polar circles.
{Powder of projection} (Alchemy.), a certain powder cast into
   a crucible or other vessel containing prepared metal or
   other matter which is to be thereby transmuted into gold.
{Projection of a point on a plane} (Descriptive Geom.), the
   foot of a perpendicular to the plane drawn through the
{Projection of a straight line of a plane}, the straight line
   of the plane connecting the feet of the perpendiculars let
   fall from the extremities of the given line.
Syn: See {Protuberance}.
Computing Dictionary

In domain theory, a function, f, which is (a) idempotent, i.e. f(f(x))=f(x) and (b) whose result is no more defined than its argument. E.g. F(x)=bottom or F(x)=x.

In reduction systems, a function which returns some component of its argument. E.g. head, tail, \ (x,y) . x. In a graph reduction system the function can just return a pointer to part of its argument and does not need to build any new graph.
