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Meaning of JAG

Pronunciation:  jag

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a bout of drinking or drug taking
  2. [n]  a flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieval clothing
  3. [n]  a slit in a garment that exposes material of a different color underneath; used in Renaissance clothing
  4. [n]  a sharp projection on an edge or surface; "he clutched a jag of the rock"
  5. [v]  cut teeth into; make a jagged cutting edge
 Synonyms: dag
 See Also: cut, flap, garment, intemperance, intemperateness, projection, self-indulgence, serrate, slit



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Jag\, n. [Prob. of Celtic origin; cf. W. gag aperture,
    cleft, chink; akin to Ir. & Gael. gag.] [Written also
    1. A notch; a cleft; a barb; a ragged or sharp protuberance;
       a denticulation.
             Arethuss arose . . . From rock and from jag.
             Garments thus beset with long jags.   --Holland.
    2. A part broken off; a fragment. --Bp. Hacket.
    3. (Bot.) A cleft or division.
    {Jag bolt}, a bolt with a nicked or barbed shank which
       resists retraction, as when leaded into stone.
  2. \Jag\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Jagged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To cut into notches or teeth like those of a saw; to notch.
    [Written also {jagg}.]
    {Jagging iron}, a wheel with a zigzag or jagged edge for
       cutting cakes or pastry into ornamental figures.
  3. \Jag\, n. [Scot. jag, jaug, a leather bag or wallet, a
    pocket. Cf. {Jag} a notch.]
    A small load, as of hay or grain in the straw, or of ore.
    [Prov. Eng. & Colloq. U.S.] [Written also {jagg}.] --Forby.
  4. \Jag\, v. t.
    To carry, as a load; as, to jag hay, etc. [Prov. Eng. &
    Colloq. U.S.]
  5. \Jag\, n.
    1. A leather bag or wallet; pl., saddlebags. [Scot.]
    2. Enough liquor to make a man noticeably drunk; a small
       ``load;'' a time or case of drunkeness; -- esp. in phr. To
       have a jag on, to be drunk. [Slang, U. S. & Dial. Eng.]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, bat, bear, bender, binge, blaze, booze, bout, buck, bum, bust, carousal, carouse, celebration, chop, cleft, cog, comb, compotation, convey, crag, crena, crenellate, crenulate, crimp, cut, debauch, depression, drinking bout, drunk, drunken carousal, fang, ferry, gash, guzzle, hack, harrow, hump, incise, incision, indent, indentation, jab, jog, joggle, kerf, knurl, lug, machicolate, mill, nick, nock, notch, orgy, pack, peak, pecten, picot, pink, potation, projection, pub-crawl, puncture, rake, ratchet, sawtooth, scallop, scarify, score, scotch, serrate, slash, snag, snaggle, soak, souse, spire, spree, sprocket, spur, stab, steeple, symposium, tear, toot, tooth, tote, transport, Vandyke, wassail