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Meaning of DIAL

Pronunciation:  'dIul

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the face of a timepiece; graduated to show the hours
  2. [n]  a disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distance for each number called
  3. [n]  the circular graduated indicator on various measuring instruments
  4. [n]  the control on a radio or television set that is used for tuning
  5. [v]  choose by means of a dial; "dial a telephone number"
  6. [v]  operate a dial to select a telephone number; "You must take the receive off the hook before you dial"
 Synonyms: telephone dial
 See Also: choose, control, control, controller, dial phone, dial telephone, face, finger hole, indicator, operate, pick out, select, selector, selector switch, take, timekeeper, timepiece



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Di"al\, n. [LL. dialis daily, fr. L. dies day. See
    1. An instrument, formerly much used for showing the time of
       day from the shadow of a style or gnomon on a graduated
       arc or surface; esp., a sundial; but there are lunar and
       astral dials. The style or gnomon is usually parallel to
       the earth's axis, but the dial plate may be either
       horizontal or vertical.
    2. The graduated face of a timepiece, on which the time of
       day is shown by pointers or hands.
    3. A miner's compass.
    {Dial bird} (Zo["o]l.), an Indian bird ({Copsychus
       saularius}), allied to the European robin. The name is
       also given to other related species.
    {Dial lock}, a lock provided with one or more plates having
       numbers or letters upon them. These plates must be
       adjusted in a certain determined way before the lock can
       be operated.
    {Dial plate}, the plane or disk of a dial or timepiece on
       which lines and figures for indicating the time are
  2. \Di"al\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dialed}or {Dialled}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Dialing} or {Dialling}.]
    1. To measure with a dial.
             Hours of that true time which is dialed in heaven.
    2. (Mining) To survey with a dial. --Raymond.
Easton Bible Dictionary

for the measurement of time, only once mentioned in the Bible, erected by Ahaz (2 Kings 20:11; Isa. 38:8). The Hebrew word (ma'aloth) is rendered "steps" in Ex. 20:26, 1 Kings 10:19, and "degrees" in 2 Kings 20:9, 10, 11. The _ma'aloth_ was probably stairs on which the shadow of a column or obelisk placed on the top fell. The shadow would cover a greater or smaller number of steps, according as the sun was low or high.

Probably the sun-dial was a Babylonian invention. Daniel at Babylon (Dan. 3:6) is the first to make mention of the "hour."

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: appraise, appreciate, assay, assess, buzz, calculate, calibrate, caliper, call, call up, check a parameter, compute, countenance, divide, estimate, evaluate, face, fathom, features, gauge, give a ring, graduate, hang up, hold the phone, kisser, listen in, make a call, map, measure, mensurate, mete, meter, mug, pace, pan, phiz, phone, plumb, prize, probe, puss, quantify, quantize, rate, ring, ring off, ring up, size, size up, sound, span, step, survey, take a reading, telephone, triangulate, valuate, value, visage, weigh