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Meaning of METER

Pronunciation:  'meetur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  any of various measuring instruments for measuring a quantity
  2. [n]  rhythm as given by division into parts of equal time
  3. [n]  (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
  4. [n]  the basic unit of length adopted under the System International d'Unites (approximately 1.094 yards)
  5. [v]  measure with a meter; "meter the flow of water"
  6. [v]  stamp with a meter indicating the postage; "meter the mail"
 Synonyms: beat, cadence, m, measure, metre, time
 See Also: ammeter, common measure, common meter, dam, decameter, decametre, decimeter, decimetre, dekameter, dekametre, dkm, dm, electrometer, fluxmeter, foot, galvanometer, gas meter, gasometer, gaussmeter, hodometer, magnetometer, measure, measuring device, measuring instrument, measuring system, metric linear unit, metrical foot, metrical unit, mileometer, milometer, odometer, ohmmeter, poetic rhythm, postage meter, prosody, quantify, radiometer, reflectometer, rhythmic pattern, rhythmicity, scansion, speed indicator, speedometer, stamp, taximeter, voltmeter, water meter



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \-me"ter\ [L. metrum measure, or the allied Gr. ?. See
    {Meter} rhythm.]
    A suffix denoting that by which anything is measured; as,
    barometer, chronometer, dynamometer.
  2. \Me"ter\, n. [From {Mete} to measure.]
    1. One who, or that which, metes or measures. See
    2. An instrument for measuring, and usually for recording
       automatically, the quantity measured.
    {Dry meter}, a gas meter having measuring chambers, with
       flexible walls, which expand and contract like bellows and
       measure the gas by filling and emptying.
    {W?t meter}, a gas meter in which the revolution of a
       chambered drum in water measures the gas passing through
  3. \Me"ter\, n.
    A line above or below a hanging net, to which the net is
    attached in order to strengthen it.
  4. \Me"ter\, Metre \Me"tre\, n. [OE. metre, F. m[`e]tre, L.
    metrum, fr. Gr. ?; akin to Skr. m[=a] to measure. See {Mete}
    to measure.]
    1. Rhythmical arrangement of syllables or words into verses,
       stanzas, strophes, etc.; poetical measure, depending on
       number, quantity, and accent of syllables; rhythm;
       measure; verse; also, any specific rhythmical
       arrangements; as, the Horatian meters; a dactylic meter.
             The only strict antithesis to prose is meter.
    2. A poem. [Obs.] --Robynson (More's Utopia).
    3. A measure of length, equal to 39.37 English inches, the
       standard of linear measure in the metric system of weights
       and measures. It was intended to be, and is very nearly,
       the ten millionth part of the distance from the equator to
       the north pole, as ascertained by actual measurement of an
       arc of a meridian. See {Metric system}, under {Metric}.
    {Common meter} (Hymnol.), four iambic verses, or lines,
       making a stanza, the first and third having each four
       feet, and the second and fourth each three feet; --
       usually indicated by the initials C.M.
    {Long meter} (Hymnol.), iambic verses or lines of four feet
       each, four verses usually making a stanza; -- commonly
       indicated by the initials L. M.
    {Short meter} (Hymnol.), iambic verses or lines, the first,
       second, and fourth having each three feet, and the third
       four feet. The stanza usually consists of four lines, but
       is sometimes doubled. Short meter is indicated by the
       initials S. M.
Computing Dictionary

US spelling of "metre".

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accent, accentuation, Alexandrine, alliterative meter, alternation, ammeter, ampere-hour meter, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anapest, antispast, appraise, appraiser, appreciate, arsis, assay, assayer, assess, assessor, bacchius, beat, cadence, cadency, caesura, calculate, calibrate, caliper, cartographer, catalexis, check a parameter, chloriamb, chloriambus, chorographer, colon, compute, coulometer, counterpoint, count-rate meter, cretic, cyclicalness, dactyl, dactylic hexameter, diaeresis, dial, dimeter, dipody, divide, dochmiac, duodial, dynamometer, elegiac, elegiac couplet, elegiac pentameter, emphasis, epitrite, estimate, estimator, evaluate, evaluator, expansion ammeter, faradmeter, fathom, feminine caesura, foot, galvanometer, gauge, gauger, geodesist, graduate, heptameter, heptapody, heroic couplet, hexameter, hexapody, hysteresis meter, iamb, iambic, iambic pentameter, ictus, illuminometer, instrument, interferometer, intermittence, intermittency, ionic, ionization gauge, jingle, land surveyor, lilt, magnetometer, masculine caesura, measure, measurer, megohmmeter, mensurate, mete, metrical accent, metrical foot, metrical group, metrical pattern, metrical unit, metrics, metron, mhometer, milliammeter, molossus, mora, movement, moving-coil meter, number, numbers, oceanographer, ohmmeter, oscillation, pace, paeon, pendulum motion, pentameter, pentapody, period, periodicalness, periodicity, pH meter, piston motion, plumb, potentiometer, prize, probe, proceleusmatic, prosodic pattern, prosody, pulsation, pyrrhic, quantify, quantitative meter, quantity, quantize, rate, reappearance, recurrence, regular wave motion, reoccurrence, return, rhyme, rhythm, rhythmic pattern, scanning, scansion, seasonality, size, size up, sound, span, spondee, sprung rhythm, Stabreim, step, stress, survey, surveyor, swing, syllabic meter, syzygy, take a reading, telemeter, tetrameter, tetrapody, tetraseme, thermoammeter, thermocouple, thermoelectrometer, thesis, time-interval meter, topographer, triangulate, tribrach, trimeter, tripody, triseme, trochee, undulation, valuate, valuator, value, valuer, variometer, vers libre, versification, voltameter, voltmeter, VOM, VTVM, weigh