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Meaning of FOURTH

Pronunciation:  fowrth

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it
  2. [n]  one of four equal parts; "a quarter of a pound"
  3. [n]  following the third position; number four in a countable series
  4. [adv]  in the fourth place; "fourthly, you must pay the rent on the first of the month"
  5. [adj]  coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude; "the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present"
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 Synonyms: 4th, fourth part, fourthly, one-fourth, ordinal, quarter, quartern, quaternary, twenty-five percent
 See Also: common fraction, interval, musical interval, rank, simple fraction



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Fourth\, a. [OE. fourthe, ferthe, feorthe, AS.
    fe['o]r[eth]a, fr. fe['o]wer four.]
    1. Next in order after the third; the ordinal of four.
    2. Forming one of four equal parts into which anything may be
  2. \Fourth\, n.
    1. One of four equal parts into which one whole may be
       divided; the quotient of a unit divided by four; one
       coming next in order after the third.
    2. (Mus.) The interval of two tones and a semitone, embracing
       four diatonic degrees of the scale; the subdominant of any
    {The Fourth}, specifically, in the United States, the fourth
       day of July, the anniversary of the declaration of
       American independence; as, to celebrate the Fourth.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: consecutive intervals, degree, diapason, diatessaron, diatonic interval, diatonic semitone, enharmonic diesis, enharmonic interval, farthing, fifth, fourth part, half step, halftone, interval, less semitone, melodic interval, note, octave, one-fourth, parallel octaves, quart, quarter, quartern, quarto, second, semitone, seventh, sixth, step, third, tone, twenty-five cents, twenty-five percent, two bits, unison interval, whole step