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Meaning of BEAR DOWN ON

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  exert a force with a heavy weight; "The snow bore down on the roof"
  2. [v]  sail towards another vessel, of ships
 Synonyms: bear down, bear down upon, drag down, press down on, weigh down
 See Also: approach, come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, near, press, sail



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accost, advance, advance against, advance upon, approach, approach anchorage, appropinquate, approximate, bear against, bear down upon, bear hard upon, bear up, bear up for, bear up to, close, close in, close with, come, come closer, come forward, come near, come on, come up, confront, counterattack, draw near, draw nigh, drive, encounter, fetch, flank, gain upon, gas, go aboard, go alongside, high-pressure, infiltrate, launch an attack, lay aboard, lay for, lay in, lean on, lie in, make, make at, make for, march against, march upon, mount an attack, narrow the gap, near, open an offensive, press, pressure, proximate, push, put away for, put in, put into port, put pressure on, reach, run for, sail for, sidle up to, squeeze, stand for, steer toward, step up, strike, thrust