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Meaning of CLOSURE

Pronunciation:  'klowzhur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  termination of operations
  2. [n]  approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap; "the ship's rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision"
  3. [n]  the act of blocking
  4. [n]  an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"
  5. [n]  a rule for ending debate in a deliberative body
  6. [v]  terminate debate by calling for a vote; "debate was closured"; "cloture the discussion"
 Synonyms: block, blockage, blockage, closedown, closing, cloture, cloture, gag rule, occlusion, occlusion, shutdown, stop, stoppage
 See Also: approach, approaching, bank closing, breech closer, breechblock, closure by compartment, coming, conclusion, end, ending, guillotine, impediment, impedimenta, implosion, layoff, obstructer, obstruction, obstruction, obstructor, order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure, plant closing, plug, rules of order, stopper, stopple, terminate, termination, vapor lock, vapour lock



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Clo"sure\ (?, 135), n. [Of. closure, L. clausura, fr.
clauedere to shut. See {Close}, v. t.]
1. The act of shutting; a closing; as, the closure of a
2. That which closes or shuts; that by which separate parts
   are fastened or closed.
         Without a seal, wafer, or any closure whatever.
3. That which incloses or confines; an inclosure.
         O thou bloody prison . . . Within the guilty closure
         of thy walls Richard the Second here was hacked to
         death.                                --Shak.
4. A conclusion; an end. [Obs.] --Shak.
5. (Parliamentary Practice) A method of putting an end to
   debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure
   before a legislative body. It is similar in effect to the
   previous question. It was first introduced into the
   British House of Commons in 1882. The French word
   {cl[^o]ture} was originally applied to this proceeding.
Computing Dictionary

1. In a reduction system, a closure is a data structure that holds an expression and an environment of variable bindings in which that expression is to be evaluated. The variables may be local or global. Closures are used to represent unevaluated expressions when implementing functional programming languages with lazy evaluation. In a real implementation, both expression and environment are represented by pointers.

A suspension is a closure which includes a flag to say whether or not it has been evaluated. The term "thunk" has come to be synonymous with "closure" but originated outside functional programming.

2. In domain theory, given a partially ordered set, D and a subset, X of D, the upward closure of X in D is the union over all x in X of the sets of all d in D such that x <= d. Thus the upward closure of X in D contains the elements of X and any greater element of D. A set is "upward closed" if it is the same as its upward closure, i.e. any d greater than an element is also an element. The downward closure (or "left closure") is similar but with d <= x. A downward closed set is one for which any d less than an element is also an element.

("<=" is written in LaTeX as \subseteq and the upward closure of X in D is written \uparrow_[D} X).

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accomplishment, ankle, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, articulation, blockage, blocking, boundary, butt, cease, cervix, cessation, check, clinch, clogging, close, closing, closing up, completion, conclusion, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, constriction, consummation, coupling, cramp, culmination, delay, desistance, detainment, detention, dovetail, elbow, embrace, end, ending, fixation, foot-dragging, fulfillment, gliding joint, hampering, hindering, hindrance, hinge, hinged joint, hip, holdback, holdup, impediment, inhibition, interface, interference, interruption, join, joining, joint, juncture, knee, knuckle, let, link, miter, mortise, neck, negativism, nuisance value, obstruction, obstructionism, occlusion, opposition, perfection, pivot, pivot joint, rabbet, realization, repression, resistance, restraint, restriction, retardation, retardment, scarf, seam, setback, shoulder, squeeze, stitch, stop, stranglehold, stricture, suppression, suture, symphysis, termination, tie rod, toggle, toggle joint, topping-off, union, weld, wrist