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Pronunciation:  pur'fekshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of making something perfect
  2. [n]  an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept
  3. [n]  the state of being without a flaw or defect
 Synonyms: beau ideal, flawlessness, idol, ne plus ultra, paragon
 Antonyms: imperfection, imperfectness
 See Also: cultivation, culture, dream, fare-thee-well, finish, ideal, improvement, intactness, polish, refinement, state



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Per*fec"tion\, n. [F. perfection, L. perfectio.]
    1. The quality or state of being perfect or complete, so that
       nothing requisite is wanting; entire development;
       consummate culture, skill, or moral excellence; the
       highest attainable state or degree of excellence;
       maturity; as, perfection in an art, in a science, or in a
       system; perfection in form or degree; fruits in
    2. A quality, endowment, or acquirement completely excellent;
       an ideal faultlessness; especially, the divine attribute
       of complete excellence. --Shak.
             What tongue can her perfections tell? --Sir P.
    {To perfection}, in the highest degree of excellence;
       perfectly; as, to imitate a model to perfection.
  2. \Per*fec"tion\, v. t.
    To perfect. [Obs.] --Foote.
Easton Bible Dictionary


Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absoluteness, accomplishment, accuracy, achievement, acme, acme of perfection, aesthetic proportions, archetype, arete, attainment, attention to fact, beauties, beautification, belle tournure, bodily charm, bodily grace, care for truth, charms, climax, close, closure, completeness, completing, completion, conclusion, consummation, correctness, culmination, curvaceousness, curves, delicacy, development, elaboration, embellishment, end, ending, entireness, essence, evolution, exactitude, exactness, excellence, excellency, faithfulness, faultlessness, fidelity, fineness, finish, finishing, flawlessness, fulfillment, full development, good appearance, good effect, good figure, good looks, good points, good proportions, good shape, gracefulness, gracility, height, highest pitch, ideal, idealization, last word, literalism, literality, literalness, lovely build, mathematical precision, maturation, maturity, meticulousness, model, mould, ne plus ultra, nice body, niceness, nicety, paragon, pattern, peak, pink, pink of perfection, pinnacle, pneumaticness, preciseness, precision, purity, quality, quintessence, realization, refinement, right, rightness, rigidity, rigor, rigorousness, ripeness, ripening, rounding off, rounding out, seasoning, severity, sexy body, shapeliness, standard, strictness, sublimity, subtlety, summit, superiority, termination, terminus, textualism, the letter, top, topping off, topping-off, transcendence, ultimate, virtue, wholeness, windup