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Meaning of BID

Pronunciation:  bid

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an attempt to get something; "they made a futile play for power"; "he made a bid to gain attention"
  2. [n]  (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
  3. [n]  a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
  4. [n]  an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
  5. [v]  ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
  6. [v]  ask someone in a friendly way to do something
  7. [v]  invoke upon; "wish you a nice evening"; "bid farewell"
  8. [v]  make a serious effort to attain something; "His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population"
  9. [v]  propose a payment; as at sales or auctions; "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting"
  10. [v]  make a demand in card games, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands; "He called his trump"
 Synonyms: adjure, beseech, bidding, call, command, conjure, dictation, entreat, invite, offer, play, press, tender, tender, wish
 See Also: allure, attempt, bargain, behest, bridge, buyout bid, by-bid, challenge, charge, commandment, commission, congratulate, contract, declaration, dicker, direction, effort, endeavor, endeavour, felicitate, greet, injunction, offer, offering, open sesame, order, outbid, outcall, overbid, overbid, overcall, play, plead, preempt, preemptive bid, raise, recognise, recognize, request, seek, speech act, subscribe, takeout, tempt, try, underbid



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Bid\ (b[i^]d), v. t. [imp. {Bade} (b[a^]d), {Bid}, (Obs.)
    {Bad}; p. p. {Bidden}, {Bid}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bidding}.]
    [OE. bidden, prop to ask, beg, AS. biddan; akin to OS.
    biddian, Icel. bi[eth]ja, OHG. bittan, G. bitten, to pray,
    ask, request, and E. bead, also perh. to Gr. teiqein to
    persuade, L. fidere to trust, E. faith, and bide. But this
    word was early confused with OE. beden, beoden, AS.
    be['o]dan, to offer, command; akin to Icel. bj[=o][eth]a,
    Goth. biudan (in comp.), OHG. biotan to command, bid, G.
    bieten, D. bieden, to offer, also to Gr. pynqa`nesqai to
    learn by inquiry, Skr. budh to be awake, to heed, present
    OSlav. bud[=e]ti to be awake, E. bode, v. The word now has
    the form of OE. bidden to ask, but the meaning of OE. beden
    to command, except in ``to bid beads.'' [root]30.]
    1. To make an offer of; to propose. Specifically : To offer
       to pay ( a certain price, as for a thing put up at
       auction), or to take (a certain price, as for work to be
       done under a contract).
    2. To offer in words; to declare, as a wish, a greeting, a
       threat, or defiance, etc.; as, to bid one welcome; to bid
       good morning, farewell, etc.
             Neither bid him God speed.            --2. John 10.
             He bids defiance to the gaping crowd. --Granrille.
    3. To proclaim; to declare publicly; to make known. [Mostly
       obs.] ``Our banns thrice bid !'' --Gay.
    4. To order; to direct; to enjoin; to command.
             That Power who bids the ocean ebb and flow. --Pope
             Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee. --Matt.
                                                   xiv. 28
             I was bid to pick up shells.          --D. Jerrold.
    5. To invite; to call in; to request to come.
             As many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
                                                   --Matt. xxii.
    {To bid beads}, to pray with beads, as the Roman Catholics;
       to distinguish each bead by a prayer. [Obs.]
    {To bid defiance to}, to defy openly; to brave.
    {To bid fair}, to offer a good prospect; to make fair
       promise; to seem likely.
    Syn: To offer; proffer; tender; propose; order; command;
         direct; charge; enjoin.
  2. \Bid\,
    imp. & p. p. of {Bid}.
  3. \Bid\, n.
    An offer of a price, especially at auctions; a statement of a
    sum which one will give for something to be received, or will
    take for something to be done or furnished; that which is
  4. \Bid\, v. i. [See {Bid}, v. t.]
    1. To pray. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
    2. To make a bid; to state what one will pay or take.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adjuration, advance, appeal, approach, ask, asking price, assay, attempt, bargain, bargain price, beat down, beseechment, bid for, bid in, bid price, bid up, biddance, bidding, call, call on, call the signals, call upon, calling, cash price, chaffer, charge, cheapen, clamor, command, commission, controlled price, crack, cry, current price, current quotation, cut price, declare, decree, dicker, dictate, direct, drive a bargain, effort, endeavor, engraved invitation, enjoin, entreaty, essay, experiment, feeler, fixed price, flat rate, fling, gambit, give an order, give the word, go, going price, haggle, higgle, huckster, imploration, imploring, imprecation, instruct, invitation, invite, invocation, invocatory plea, issue a command, issue a writ, jew down, lick, list price, make a bid, make an offer, mandate, market price, move, neat price, negotiate, net, obsecration, obtestation, offer, offer to buy, offering, ordain, order, order about, outbid, overture, package price, piece price, plea, prayer, preliminary approach, presentation, price list, prices current, proclaim, proffer, promulgate, pronounce, quotation, quoted price, recommended price, request, rogation, rule, say the word, selling price, shill, shot, stab, step, stock market quotations, stroke, strong bid, submission, suit, summon, summons, supplication, tell, tentative, tentative approach, trade price, trial, trial and error, try, underbid, undertaking, unit price, warn, whack, wholesale price