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Meaning of DECREE

Pronunciation:  di'kree

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"
  2. [v]  decide with authority
  3. [v]  issue or demand by decree
 Synonyms: edict, fiat, order, rescript, rule
 See Also: act, ban, bull, close out, consent decree, curfew, decide, declare, decree nisi, determine, enact, enactment, imperial decree, interdiction, judicial separation, legal separation, make up one's mind, ordain, override, overrule, overthrow, overturn, papal bull, preclude, programma, prohibition, proscription, reverse, rule in, rule out, stay



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \De*cree"\, n. [OE. decre, F. d['e]cret, fr. L. decretum,
    neut. decretus, p. p. of decernere to decide; de- + cernere
    to decide. See {Certain}, and cf. {Decreet}, {Decretal}.]
    1. An order from one having authority, deciding what is to be
       done by a subordinate; also, a determination by one having
       power, deciding what is to be done or to take place;
       edict, law; authoritative ru?? decision. ``The decrees of
       Venice.'' --Sh???.
             There went out a decree from C[ae]sar Augustus that
             all the world should be taxed.        --Luke ii. 1.
             Poor hand, why quiverest thou at this decree?
    2. (Law)
       (a) A decision, order, or sentence, given in a cause by a
           court of equity or admiralty.
       (b) A determination or judgment of an umpire on a case
           submitted to him. --Brande.
    3. (Eccl.) An edict or law made by a council for regulating
       any business within their jurisdiction; as, the decrees of
       ecclesiastical councils.
    Syn: Law; regulation; edict; ordinance. See {Law}.
  2. \De*cree"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decreed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Decreeing}.]
    1. To determine judicially by authority, or by decree; to
       constitute by edict; to appoint by decree or law; to
       determine; to order; to ordain; as, a court decrees a
       restoration of property.
             Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be
             established unto thee.                --Job xxii.
    2. To ordain by fate.
  3. \De*cree"\, v. i.
    To make decrees; -- used absolutely.
          Father eternal! thine is to decree; Mine, both in
          heaven and earth to do thy will.         --Milton.
Legal Dictionary
 Definition: An order of the court. A final decree is one that fully and finally disposes of the litigation. (See interlocutory.)
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: act, act on, action, adjudge, announcement, appointment, authorize, award, behest, bid, bidding, bill, brevet, bull, bylaw, call on, call the signals, call upon, canon, charge, charging, choose, choose to, command, commission, compel, condemn, condemnation, consideration, constitute, constrain, decide, decision, declaration, declare, declare lawful, decree-law, decreement, decretal, decretum, deliverance, demand, desire, determination, determine, diagnosis, dictate, dictation, dictum, diktat, direct, direction, directive, doom, edict, edictum, enact, enact laws, enactment, enjoin, establish, fiat, filibuster, find, find against, find for, finding, force, foredestiny, foregone conclusion, foreknowledge, foreordination, form, formality, formula, formulary, formulate, get the floor, give an order, give the word, have the floor, impose, injunction, institution, instruct, instruction, ipse dixit, issue a command, issue a writ, judgement, jus, kill, law, lay down, legalize, legislate, legislation, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize, lex, lobby through, logroll, make a regulation, make legal, mandate, manifesto, measure, necessity, oblige, ordain, order, order about, ordinance, ordonnance, pass, pass judgment, pass sentence, pigeonhole, pocket, precedent, precept, predestination, predetermination, preordination, prescience, prescribe, prescript, prescription, proclaim, proclamation, prognosis, promulgate, promulgation, pronounce, pronounce judgment, pronounce on, pronouncement, pronunciamento, put in force, put through, railroad through, regulate, regulation, report, require, rescript, resolution, resolve, return a verdict, roll logs, rubric, rule, ruling, sanction, say the word, see fit, senatus consult, senatus consultum, sentence, set, standing order, statute, table, take the floor, think fit, think good, think proper, ukase, utter a judgment, validate, verdict, veto, will, wish, yield the floor