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Meaning of ENDEAVOUR

Pronunciation:  in'devur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"
  2. [n]  a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness); "he had doubts about the whole enterprise"
  3. [v]  attempt by employing effort; "we endeavor to make our customers happy"
 Synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavor, enterprise, strive, try
 See Also: activity, assay, attempt, batting, battle, be at pains, best, bid, braving, buck, business activity, commercial activity, confronting, contribution, coping with, crack, essay, essay, fling, foray, forlorn hope, fraudulent scheme, go, grappling, illegitimate enterprise, labor, liberation, mug's game, nisus, offer, pains, part, pass, play, power play, project, racket, research effort, run, seek, seeking, share, shot, squeeze, squeeze play, strain, striving, struggle, struggle, tackling, take pains, takeover attempt, task, test, trial, try, undertaking, whirl, worst