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Meaning of ARTIFICE

Pronunciation:  'ârtufis

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
 Synonyms: ruse
 See Also: maneuver, manoeuvre, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ar"ti*fice\, n. [L. artificium, fr. artifex artificer;
ars, artis, art + facere to make: cf. F. artifice.]
1. A handicraft; a trade; art of making. [Obs.]
2. Workmanship; a skillfully contrived work.
         The material universe.. in the artifice of God, the
         artifice of the best Mechanist.       --Cudworth.
3. Artful or skillful contrivance.
         His [Congreve's] plots were constructed without much
         artifice.                             --Craik.
4. Crafty device; an artful, ingenious, or elaborate trick.
Note: [Now the usual meaning.]
            Those who were conscious of guilt employed
            numerous artifices for the purpose of averting
            inquiry.                           --Macaulay.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: action, acuteness, ad hoc measure, adeptness, adroitness, affectation, affectedness, ambidexterity, answer, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artificiality, astuteness, bad faith, bag of tricks, blind, bluff, bosey, cabal, cageyness, callidity, canniness, catch, chicane, chicanery, chouse, cleverness, collusion, complicity, complot, confederacy, connivance, connivery, conspiracy, contrivance, contriving, countermove, counterplot, coup, course of action, covin, craft, craftiness, cunning, cunningness, curve, curve-ball, cute trick, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, deep-laid plot, demarche, design, device, dirty deal, dirty trick, dishonesty, dissimulation, dodge, dodgery, double-dealing, doubleness, doubleness of heart, duplicity, effort, engineering, euphemism, euphuism, expedient, faithlessness, fakement, falseheartedness, falseness, fast deal, feint, fetch, ficelle, finagling, fine Italian hand, finesse, foul play, foxiness, frame-up, gambit, game, gamesmanship, gimmick, Gongorism, googly, grift, guile, hocus-pocus, hyperelegance, improbity, improvisation, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidiousness, intrigue, inventiveness, Italian hand, joker, juggle, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, keenness, knavery, last expedient, last resort, last shift, little game, low cunning, Machiavellianism, machination, makeshift, maneuver, maneuvering, manipulation, manneredness, mannerism, means, measure, move, one-upmanship, originality, overelaboration, overelegance, overniceness, overrefinement, pass, pettifoggery, pettifogging, pis aller, plot, plotting, ploy, preciosity, preciousness, pretentiousness, proficiency, purism, quickness, racket, rascality, readiness, red herring, resort, resource, resourcefulness, rigging, ruse, satanic cunning, scheme, schemery, scheming, scurvy trick, shake-up, sharp practice, sharpness, shift, shiftiness, shrewdness, skill, skulduggery, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, slipperiness, slyness, sneakiness, solution, sophistry, stealth, stealthiness, step, stopgap, stratagem, strategy, stroke, stroke of policy, subterfuge, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, supercherie, suppleness, tactic, temporary expedient, treachery, trick, trickery, trickiness, trump, two-facedness, underhand dealing, underhandedness, underplot, unnaturalness, wariness, web of intrigue, wile, wiles, wiliness, wily device, wire-pulling, wit, working hypothesis, working proposition