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Meaning of COLOPHON

Pronunciation:  'kâlu`fân

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a publisher's emblem printed in a book (usually on the title page)
 See Also: emblem



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Col"o*phon\ (k[o^]l"[-o]*f[o^]n), n. [L. colophon
finishing stroke, Gr. kolofw`n; cf. L. culmen top, collis
hill. Cf. {Holm}.]
An inscription, monogram, or cipher, containing the place and
date of publication, printer's name, etc., formerly placed on
the last page of a book.
      The colophon, or final description, fell into disuse,
      and . . . the title page had become the principal
      direct means of identifying the book.    --De Morgan.
      The book was uninjured from title page to colophon.
                                               --Sir W.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acknowledgments, addendum, afterthought, appendix, back, back matter, bastard title, bibliography, billhead, book stamp, bookplate, boss, brand, broad arrow, bump, cachet, catch line, catchword, check, chorus, coda, codicil, concavity, conclusion, consequence, contents, contents page, continuance, continuation, convexity, copyright page, counterfoil, countermark, dactylogram, dactylograph, dedication, dent, dint, docket, double take, dying words, embossment, endleaf, endpaper, endsheet, envoi, epilogue, errata, excrescence, fingerprint, flyleaf, folio, follow-through, follow-up, footmark, footprint, footstep, fore edge, foreword, fossil footprint, front matter, government mark, government stamp, half-title page, hallmark, head, ichnite, ichnolite, impress, impression, imprint, indent, indentation, indention, index, inscription, introduction, label, last words, leaf, letterhead, logo, logotype, lump, makeup, masthead, pad, page, Parthian shot, parting shot, paw print, pawmark, peroration, pimple, plate, postface, postfix, postlude, postscript, preface, preliminaries, price tag, print, PS, pug, pugmark, recto, refrain, registered trademark, reverso, running head, running title, seal, second thought, sequel, sequela, sequelae, sequelant, sequent, sequitur, sigil, signature, signet, stamp, step, sticker, stub, stud, subscript, subtitle, suffix, supplement, swan song, table of contents, tag, tail, tally, text, thumbmark, thumbprint, ticket, title, title page, token, trade name, trademark, trademark name, trim size, type page, verso, vestige