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Meaning of VESTIGE

Pronunciation:  'vestij

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a clue that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"
 Synonyms: shadow, trace
 See Also: clew, clue, cue



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ves"tige\, n. (Biol.)
    A small, degenerate, or imperfectly developed part or organ
    which has been more fully developed in some past generation.
  2. \Ves"tige\, n. [F., from L. vestigium footprint, trace,
    sign; the last part (-stigium) is probably akin to E. sty, v.
    i. Cf. {Investigate}.]
    The mark of the foot left on the earth; a track or footstep;
    a trace; a sign; hence, a faint mark or visible sign left by
    something which is lost, or has perished, or is no longer
    present; remains; as, the vestiges of ancient magnificence in
    Palmyra; vestiges of former population.
          What vestiges of liberty or property have they left?
          Ridicule has followed the vestiges of Truth, but never
          usurped her place.                       --Landor.
    Syn: Trace; mark; sign; token.
    Usage: {Vestige}, {Trace}. These words agree in marking some
           indications of the past, but differ to some extent in
           their use and application. Vestige is used chiefly in
           a figurative sense, for the remains something long
           passed away; as, the vestiges of ancient times;
           vestiges of the creation. A trace is literally
           something drawn out in a line, and may be used in this
           its primary sense, or figuratively, to denote a sign
           or evidence left by something that has passed by, or
           ceased to exist. Vestige usually supposes some
           definite object of the past to be left behind; while a
           trace may be a mere indication that something has been
           present or is present; as, traces of former
           population; a trace of poison in a given substance.