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Meaning of IMAGERY

Pronunciation:  'imijree

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"
 Synonyms: imagination, imaging, mental imagery
 See Also: chimaera, chimera, dream, dreaming, envisioning, evocation, make-believe, mind's eye, picturing, pretence, pretense, representational process, vision



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Im"age*ry\, n. [OE. imagerie, F. imagerie.]
1. The work of one who makes images or visible representation
   of objects; imitation work; images in general, or in mass.
   ``Painted imagery.'' --Shak.
         In those oratories might you see Rich carvings,
         portraitures, and imagery.            --Dryden.
2. Fig.: Unreal show; imitation; appearance.
         What can thy imagery of sorrow mean?  --Prior.
3. The work of the imagination or fancy; false ideas;
   imaginary phantasms.
         The imagery of a melancholic fancy.   --Atterbury.
4. Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking; vivid
   descriptions presenting or suggesting images of sensible
   objects; figures in discourse.
         I wish there may be in this poem any instance of
         good imagery.                         --Dryden.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A technique in which the person focuses on positive images in his or her mind.
Easton Bible Dictionary

only in the phrase "chambers of his imagery" (Ezek. 8:12). (See CHAMBER.)

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: allusion, alphabet, apparition, art, asiaticism, blueprint, brainchild, bubble, cameo, catalog, cataloging, character, character sketch, charactering, characterization, chart, chimera, choreography, concept, conception, conceptualization, conventional representation, dance notation, delineation, delirium, demonstration, depiction, depictment, description, details, device, diagram, drama, drawing, eidetic image, eidolon, envisaging, envisioning, euphuism, evocation, exemplification, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, fiction, figment, figuration, figurative language, figurativeness, figure, figure of speech, floridity, flourish, flower, flowery style, graphic account, hallucination, hieroglyphic, iconography, ideogram, idle fancy, illusion, illustration, image, imagery study, imagination, imaging, imagining, imagism, imagistic poetry, impression, insubstantial image, invention, itemization, letter, lifelike image, limning, logogram, logograph, maggot, make-believe, manner of speaking, map, mental image, mental picture, mental representation, musical notation, myth, nonliterality, nonliteralness, notation, objectification, ornament, particularization, phantasm, phantom, photograph, pictogram, picture, picturing, picturization, plan, poetic imagery, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, prefigurement, presentment, printing, profile, projection, purple passage, realization, rendering, rendition, representation, romance, schema, score, script, sick fancy, sketch, specification, syllabary, symbol, symbolism, tablature, thick-coming fancies, trip, trope, turn of expression, vapor, vignette, vision, visual image, visualization, vivid description, Vorstellung, way of speaking, whim, whimsy, wildest dreams, word painting, word-painting, writing