PHANTASM: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
| Related Terms: | | apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, bamboozlement, banshee, befooling, bluffing, brainchild, bubble, calculated deception, chimera, circumvention, conning, control, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness, defrauding, delirium, delusion, delusiveness, departed spirit, disembodied spirit, dupery, duppy, dybbuk, eidolon, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, entrapment, fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, fiction, figment, figure, flimflam, flimflammery, fond illusion, fooling, form, ghost, grateful dead, guide, hallucination, hant, haunt, hoodwinking, idle fancy, idolum, illusion, image, imagery, imagination, imagining, immateriality, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, insubstantial image, invention, kidding, larva, lemures, maggot, make-believe, manes, Masan, materialization, mirage, myth, oni, outwitting, overreaching, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, poltergeist, presence, putting on, revenant, romance, self-deception, shade, shadow, shape, shrouded spirit, sick fancy, snow job, song and dance, specter, spectral ghost, spirit, spoofery, spoofing, spook, sprite, subterfuge, swindling, theophany, thick-coming fancies, trickiness, tricking, trip, unsubstantiality, vapor, victimization, vision, waking dream, walking dead man, wandering soul, whim, whimsy, wildest dream, wildest dreams, willful misconception, wishful thinking, wraith, zombie |