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Meaning of MYTH

Pronunciation:  mith

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people
 See Also: Gotterdammerung, mythology, Ragnarok, story, Twilight of the Gods



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Myth\, n. [Written also {mythe}.] [Gr. my^qos myth, fable,
tale, talk, speech: cf. F. mythe.]
1. A story of great but unknown age which originally embodied
   a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience,
   and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul
   are personified; an ancient legend of a god, a hero, the
   origin of a race, etc.; a wonder story of prehistoric
   origin; a popular fable which is, or has been, received as
2. A person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose
   actual existence is not verifiable.
         As for Mrs. Primmins's bones, they had been myths
         these twenty years.                   --Ld. Lytton.
{Myth history}, history made of, or mixed with, myths.
 Definition: stories that are told about the deeds that supernatural beings played in the creation of human beings and the universe itself.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adventure story, allegory, ancient wisdom, apologue, apparition, archetypal myth, archetypal pattern, bedtime story, brainchild, bubble, canard, chimera, cock-and-bull story, common law, concoction, creation, custom, delirium, detective story, eidolon, epic, extravaganza, fable, fabliau, fabrication, fairy tale, falsehood, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, fib, fiction, figment, folk motif, folk story, folklore, folktale, forgery, gest, ghost story, hallucination, history, horse opera, idle fancy, illusion, imagery, imagination, imagining, immemorial usage, insubstantial image, invention, legend, lie, lore, love story, maggot, make-believe, Marchen, Mishnah, mystery, mystery story, mythology, mythos, nursery tale, parable, phantasm, phantom, prevarication, racial memory, romance, saga, science fiction, shocker, sick fancy, space fiction, space opera, Spiritus Mundi, story, Sunna, suspense story, tall tale, Talmud, thick-coming fancies, thriller, tradition, traditionalism, traditionality, trip, untruth, vapor, vision, Western, Western story, Westerner, whim, whimsy, whodunit, whopper, wildest dreams, work of fiction