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Meaning of CATAPULT

Pronunciation:  'katu`pult

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  medieval artillery used during sieges; a heavy war engine for hurling large stones
  2. [n]  a plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones
  3. [n]  a device that launches aircraft from a warship
  4. [v]  hurl as if with a sling
  5. [v]  shoot forth or launch, as if from a catapult; "the enemy catapulted rocks towards the fort"
 Synonyms: arbalest, arbalist, bricole, launcher, onager, sling, sling, slingshot, trebuchet, trebucket
 See Also: artillery, cast, device, gun, heavy weapon, hurl, hurtle, impel, ordnance, plaything, propel, toy



Products Dictionary

When Jim Paul and his friend Harry decide to build a catapult in the backyard, they recreate an aspect of the Middle Ages, and come to a new understanding of human society.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cat"a*pult\, n. [L. catapulta, Gr. ?, prob. from kata`
down + ? to shake, hurl.]
1. (Mil. Antiq.) An engine somewhat resembling a massive
   crossbow, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for
   throwing stones, arrows, spears, etc.
2. A forked stick with elastic band for throwing small
   stones, etc.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: arbalest, ballista, booster rocket, bowl, cast, chuck, chunk, dart, dash, fire, fling, flip, fork, ground loop, heave, hopoff, hurl, hurtle, jerk, lance, launch, let fly, lob, pass, peg, pelt, pitch, pitchfork, put, put the shot, rotation, serve, shy, sling, slingshot, snap, takeoff, throw, throw stick, throwing-stick, tilt, toss, trebuchet, wommera