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Meaning of SYMPTOM

Pronunciation:  'simptum

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X's existence
  2. [n]  
 See Also: abscess, acetonemia, acetonuria, albuminuria, alkalinuria, alkaluria, amenia, amenorrhea, amenorrhoea, aminoaciduria, ammoniuria, aura, chloasma, clubbing, crepitation rale, cyanosis, disease, diuresis, effect, eosinopenia, evidence, exophthalmos, festination, furring, glycosuria, grounds, haematuria, haemoglobinemia, haemoglobinuria, haemoptysis, haemosiderosis, hematuria, hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, hemoptysis, hemosiderosis, hypercalcaemia, hypercalcemia, hypercalcinuria, hypercalciuria, hypercholesteremia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperkalemia, hyperlipaemia, hyperlipemia, hyperlipidaemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoidaemia, hyperlipoidemia, hypermenorrhea, hypernatremia, hypersplenism, hypocalcaemia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypoproteinemia, indicant, indication, Jacquemier's sign, kaliuresis, kaluresis, Kayser-Fleischer ring, keratomalacia, Kernig's sign, ketoaciduria, ketonemia, ketonuria, ketosis, Koplik's spots, lipaemia, lipemia, lipidaemia, lipidemia, lipoidaemia, lipoidemia, lymphuria, mask of pregnancy, melasma, menorrhagia, monocytosis, natriuresis, nebula, ochronosis, prodroma, prodrome, proteinuria, purulence, purulency, sneeze, sneezing, sternutation, syndrome, thrombocytosis



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Symp"tom\, n. [F. sympt[^o]me, Gr. ? anything that has
befallen one, a chance, causality, symptom, fr. ? to fall
together; sy`n with + ? to fall; akin to Skr. pat to fly, to
fall. See {Syn-}, and cf. {Asymptote}, {Feather}.]
1. (Med.) Any affection which accompanies disease; a
   perceptible change in the body or its functions, which
   indicates disease, or the kind or phases of disease; as,
   the causes of disease often lie beyond our sight, but we
   learn their nature by the symptoms exhibited.
         Like the sick man, we are expiring with all sorts of
         good symptoms.                        --Swift.
2. A sign or token; that which indicates the existence of
   something else; as, corruption in elections is a symptom
   of the decay of public virtue.
Syn: Mark; note; sign; token; indication.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: An abnormal function, sensation, or appearance experienced by an individual. A sign of disease.