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Meaning of WIDGET

Pronunciation:  'wijit

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a device that very useful for a particular job
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 Synonyms: appliance, contraption, contrivance, convenience, gadget, gismo, gizmo
 See Also: device, gadgetry, gimbals, injector, mod con



Products Dictionary

Looking for a home, a stray dog pretends to be a cat in the hope of being adopted by a kind, cat-loving woman named Mrs. Diggs. Pen-and-ink and watercolor illustrations accompany the text.

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Computing Dictionary

1. A meta-thing. Used to stand for a real object in didactic examples (especially database tutorials). Legend has it that the original widgets were holders for buggy whips. "But suppose the parts list for a widget has 52 entries..."

2. [possibly evoking "window gadget"] In graphical user interfaces, a combination of a graphic symbol and some program code to perform a specific function. E.g. a scroll-bar or button. Windowing systems usually provide widget libraries containing commonly used widgets drawn in a certain style and with consistent behaviour.

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